27. The Couple?

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"STEEEVEN!" She called out louder until he showed up in front of the bathroom door.

Sheepishly, she asked him, "Do you have another T-shirt I can wear? This one is kinda soaked." She looked down at her shirt, causing Steven to do the same.

Chuckling at what he assumed was her clumsiness, he nodded. "Of course, beautiful. I'll go grab one for you, give me a second."

Tasha turned back to look at herself in the mirror, trying too hard not to move because she detested the feeling of a cold, wet T-shirt against her dry skin. So she stared at herself, waiting for Steven to emerge from his closet with a new shirt so she could move to unwrap her hair.

Steven finally showed up from his closet with one of his old freshmen Crest Bay High Basketball shirts, one that would be a good fit for Tasha.

"Thank you!" She accepted the shirt from him with gratitude. "I'm sorry for screeching your name like that, I really didn't want to walk out to your closet with my chest out to grab a shirt myself."

Steven laughed, amused by Tasha's words. "Yeah, I'm sorry. It's laundry day so all our towels are washing. And I know how you are with wet shirts, so I understand your humongous problem," he taunted her a bit. "What happened exactly?"

"I washed my hair in your big ass sink, didn't realize I was wetting the better part of my back, and forgot I didn't have a towel." She pointed to her head wrapped in an old t-shirt. "I had an old spare T-shirt but couldn't wear it. Because you know, T-shirts are better than towels to dry natural hair."

"Yes, I remember you mentioning that fact in your mini-lesson on natural hair."

She smiled, happy he remembered. "Yep, Natural Hair 101. If I'm correct, I had to hold that lesson after you very boldly suggested I should just sleep without my bonnet the one time I forgot to pack it with me when I was sleeping over."

He simply laughed, thinking back at how appalled Tasha had been after his bold proposal to sleep on the non-silk pillows with her hair all out. She had launched into a lesson on the do's and don'ts of natural hair at that moment, not caring that they were just watching a movie. It just needed to be done.

"Oh, yeah, about that." Steven left to go retrieve something from his room. "Look, since you always forget your bonnet, I got you a bunch just for when you sleep over."

"Awww! Steven, you didn't have to! But thank you so much, great idea." He was often thoughtful like that, always caring about her needs and how to provide her with additional comfort.

He simply smiled and stored the pack of bonnets away in one of the drawers.

She turned away from him and carefully took off her wet shirt before quickly sliding on the one he gave her. When she turned back to face him, his hungry eyes were shamelessly on her body, observing all the goodness he now had access to because Tasha had finally given in to him.

She rolled her eyes. "Stop looking at me like that, Steven. Your parents are home." Opening the drawers as well, she searched for some hair products she had left at Steven's just-in-case she needed them.

He, on the other hand, inched closer to her, hoping she wouldn't stop him before he got close.

"Aht, aht, I done told you that your parents are home, Steven!"

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