11. Dare Night: Grocery Run

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Steven just chuckled, glancing at a distressed Tasha. "I said I wouldn't ever put you in danger. And I won't."

"Seriously, Steven? Dare Night is basically throwing me in fucking danger."

Steven was still maneuvering the car, as he drove them toward Tasha's house so she could grab an overnight bag. Steven's demand was for her to participate in Dare Night at Steven's and that included sleeping over too.

Dare Night, created by Steven, Malik and Nelson, happened only twice a month. Not everyone was invited, yet everyone knew about it, about the things that went on during Dare Nights.

Mainly composed of food and games, it had been created by the three boys when they were freshmen in an effort to gain some popularity. Surprisingly enough, it worked. Dare Night had put them on a track to be liked by many although people barely closely knew them.

The people who were invited obtained a letter from either Steven or Nelson, with details on the address and a word written in the center of the paper. That word, they found out, would serve later once they arrived at Dare Night.

Tasha, of course, had been given an invitation from Steven on so many occasions. She never planned on going, never even thought about it. Yet, tonight, she was being forced to.

Steven got serious, he wanted to make sure she knew he'd never endanger her. "I promise, you're gonna be safe. And I also promise that you're gonna have fun."

Tasha mumbled, "I better have fun. Shit, if I gotta do this, I better have the time of my life. Hear me, Steven?"

"I got you, just let yourself loose. Calm down and have fun, can you do that for me, Tasha?"

She unfolded her arms and nodded, trying to relax. Maybe she was going to have a good time. She'd heard many conversations over the years at school regarding Dare Night, so she was a little curious. Plus, Steven wasn't such bad company.

She actually realized that she enjoyed hanging out with him thus far, although only for the project, for some reason she saw him differently now. He was funny, goofy, smart, and good looking...

With his dark blonde hair, strong jaw and coffee brown eyes, she couldn't help but notice how attractive he was. Oh, and his body was...

Tasha cleared her throat in an effort to snap out of her mentally fucking Steven-someone she literally couldn't stand for the last four years.

He probably doesn't date black girls. She thought, trying to remember if she'd ever seen him with a black girl. She came up empty. She realized though, that she couldn't remember him with any girl.

She shook her head slightly. Why was she even thinking about Steven's romantic life anyways? It was none of her business. Yes, she'd known him for a while, but that didn't mean she knew everything about him. He'd probably been dating girls and she just didn't know.

Steven, still driving, glanced at Tasha noticing that she was thinking intently about something. "A penny for your thoughts, Tasha?"

"Nah I'd rather keep my thoughts. I mean what would I do with a penny? At least I can think with my thoughts."

Steven sucked his teeth, trying not to smile at how adorable Tasha was. "So you got jokes, huh?"

"I'm being serious, though," she told him with a smile mirroring his own.

Steven stopped at a red light, turned to look at her and nodded. "Have it your way. I guess I'm gonna keep my penny."

Tasha laughed and gently pushed his shoulder. "Just drive, Morrison."

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