26. Winter Break: Kiss It Better

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"Y'all negroes play dirtyyy!"

Scoffs could be heard around the room, but Steven and Nelson just laughed. They had no business being called 'negroes' or even worrying about the game, as they had decided to opt out instead.

"Girl, how do you play dirty in this game? It's literally impossible."

Kennedy rolled her eyes. "I don't know, I'm not the cheater. You tell me."

"Girl, bye." Tasha laughed. "You're scared of losing, huh?"

"I am not."

"Are too. It's not my fault you suck at Uno, Kenny." Tasha shrugged innocently.

Kennedy played her card. "Huh, excuse me? I'm not-"

Malik interjected with a smile. "Ok, girls. No need to get y'all panties in a twist, I'm winning this game either ways." He winked at an unimpressed Kennedy.

"Hell no, we won't let that shit happen."

"There's not much you can do," he stated, almost prophetically. "I always win Uno."

"Yeah, well," Tasha scoffed at Malik's uncalled for confidence. "We'll see about that, won't we?"

Steven interjected, his eyes trained on Tasha, "He's not lying, he always wins. Right, Nelson?"

Nelson, who was too busy typing something on his phone, simply nodded distractingly at what Steven asked him.

Kennedy pondered for a second before dropping a card in the middle of the table, leaving six more cards in her hands. "Look, guys. We know y'all are full of shit."

"Right, we know you guys are only trying to indimidate us. Malik's not the winner of shit."

Steven shrugged. "You don't wonder why Nelson and I are not playing? Let me give you a hint: we know Malik's gonna win."

That made Tasha and Kennedy share a look then turn to a suspiciously quiet Malik. He held six cards, more than Tasha did and the same amount as Kennedy. There was no way he would actually win, right?

The room grew tense. The girls' competitiveness was extremely high, making a simple game of Uno seem like a moment of life or death. Plus, so much rode on that particular game.

Whoever won the game, they had decided earlier, would become the 'King' or 'Queen' of the cabin for the remainder of their winter vacation. Being a King or Queen meant that the individual would be allowed to ask for anything.

Truth be told, none of them were sure on the details, they were all just aware that they needed to win. If it wasn't for the benefits the winner would unlock, quenching their competitive drives would be good enough reason.

Tasha dropped a card on top of the pile in the middle of the wooden table, leaving three in her possession. She was so close.

"I'm gonna be Queen soon! Prepare to massage my shoulders, Steven!" She danced in her seat.

"I'm ready whenever you are. I'd do that whenever, you know that."

He got up then, standing behind a seated Tasha, his hands softly massaging her stiff shoulders. She briefly closed her eyes, almost moaning at his skills working out the tension she didn't know was there.

She angled her head a bit. "Mhm, that's good."

His voice was low, almost a whisper, "Feel good, huh?"

Tasha's eyes were still closed as she simply nodded. She really had no idea her shoulders needed that much massaging-she was about to ask Steven if he could do that everyday.

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