33. The 4-Letter Word

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"Steve, you've grown so much! Your mom was just telling us you won't be playing basketball in college?"

He nodded, smiling with as much power as he could muster. "Thank you, Mrs. Lemmings. Yes, basketball was never my long-term goal, I'm excited to move on to different things."

Mrs. Lemmings nodded sweetly and returned to eating her meal. Although she was Steven's mom's boss at Joseph & Burth Law Firm, she was truly humble and loving to everyone.

"And Tasha, it truly is nice to meet you. You two make a very beautiful couple," Mrs. Lemmings continued, earning approving nods from the other guests around the table. Even Steven's mom, who was usually hostile to Tasha, refrained from antagonizing her.

"It is very nice to meet you too, Mrs. Lemmings. And thank you, we try," she joked, looking at Steven with a smile.

A man, who had introduced himself as a coworker of Steven's mom, spoke up, "So, not to pry. But since you two are now on the hot seat, how do you both feel about your relationship surviving through college?"

Tasha almost told the man to mind his business, but Steven got to him before she could utter a word.

"We're solid and confident in our relationship. Although we're young and have little experience, we've been intentional about taking it day by day, right Tasha?"

She nodded, agreeing. "Yes, we have been. Of course, we have plenty of differences, but we try to have the arguments and discussions without resorting to breaking up."

There was a bit of awkward silence, as the adults seemed a bit astonished at how mature the two young people sounded and behaved.

Steven broke the awkwardness with a joke, "I'm sure it's noticeable enough but I'm utterly in love with Tasha. So, she wouldn't be able to get rid of me very easily."

The table chuckled at his words. He was right, they'd noticed how doting and preoccupied with Tasha he'd been since the beginning of the dinner. He obviously was joking with his statements, but he evidently was not completely lying.

"And," Tasha added, "I too love him, so I'm not going anywhere."

The women at the table completely gushed at her words, finding their young love extremely cute. Yet they were clueless about the near-heart attack Steven was experiencing as a result of Tasha's words.

She loved him. The girl of his dreams, the one he'd wanted for years, yearned for so long-she loved him. He couldn't think straight, the food suddenly tasting bland.

Even though the conversation at the table carried on without anyone noticing him, he had difficulty even concentrating on what was being said. There was only one thing he wanted to do.

He grabbed his phone out of his pocket and typed out a series of messages to Tasha.

Instead of actually dragging her out of the room, he excused the two of them, claiming that they had something to talk about in private

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Instead of actually dragging her out of the room, he excused the two of them, claiming that they had something to talk about in private. Only Steven's mom seemed displeased with them ditching the dinner, but she didn't say anything to stop them.

As soon as they were far enough from the dining room, Tasha chuckled and turned to him. "Steven, I can't believe you actually got us out of there just like that-"

The intense look that was on his face shut her up real quick. He stalked towards her, purposely caging her against the wall.

"Do you know how long I've wanted you to love me?" His voice had gotten so deep, scaring her a little.

He continued without waiting for a response from her, "For very fucking long. Damn, I knew this moment would be great but I didn't know just how much I would love you more."

She almost melted, then and there. Still mute. Her heart pounding and her body yearning for his touch. Although they had not had sex yet, if he asked her to drop her pants at that moment she would have gone through with it. No questions asked.

"I love you, Steven." She rested her hands against his chest.

"Fuck, baby." Their lips were so close to each other and he asked, "Can I now please kiss the living heck outta you, sweetheart?"

As soon as she nodded, his lips collided with hers, bringing electric energy throughout their entire bodies. Crazily enough, their love for each other made the kiss even more explosive than usual.

They broke away from the all-consuming kiss and he started dropping kisses all over her soft spots-on her neck, behind her ear, and near her collar bone.

She moaned lowly and held him close to her, needing him more than her next breath.

Of course, Steven's mom had to choose that moment to interrupt them. "Steven!"

Tasha quickly pushed Steven away, taking deep breaths and adjusting her clothes and hair. She was embarrassed that she'd been caught in such an intimate position.

On the other hand, Steven was frustrated with his mom but stepped in front of Tasha to cover her away from his mom's gaze.

"Why are you doing this right now, Steve?! We have guests right in the other room!"

He sighed heavily, restraining himself from saying something rude. Thankfully, Tasha placed her hands on his arm and moved from behind him.

"We're sorry, Mrs. Morrison. We just got ahead of ourselves."

She stared at Tasha with so much disgust and contempt, prompting Steven to place his arms around her shoulders protectively.

"I think it might be best for you to leave," Mrs. Morrison spat at Tasha.

"Watch your tone, mother. No need to be fucking rude."

Tasha was not even fazed by her hate, instead, she thought that it was due time for the two of them to finally have a little conversation to set some things straight.

"Mrs. Morrison, I actually would like to talk to you. Privately. I know you have guests, but I promise this won't take long at all."



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