17. Sister Day

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"I might have to go over there and talk to his fine ass, cause I know for sure he was looking at me."

Tasha rolled her eyes at how thirsty Janelle sounded. She was really insisting that the poor guy serving customers behind the McDonald's counter was throwing looks at her. She'd been giving him looks the whole time they'd been eating at the food court.

"Leave the poor dude alone, Janelle. He's tryna do his job and you're scaring him." Tasha took a large bite out of her burger and chewed happily.

She knew that McDonald's was probably not the right choice, yet in her opinion, the food wasn't all that bad taste-wise. For one, the fries were the best out of every fast food joint and that was a fact. Two, it was cheap as hell.

Janelle waved Tasha off. The dude taking orders behind the counter was obviously eyeing her, whether her sister saw it or not.

"I knew wearing this little number would work perfectly. I'm so gonna get a date soon!"

As Janelle danced in her seat and ate her french fries, Tasha looked her sister over. She hadn't observed her like that in a while now, she'd just noticed that she'd hung out with Steven quite a bit the last couple of weeks.

Just the day before she'd been at his house for another Dare Night, one that she had no intention to ever relive again. Although it was not one that required her sleeping over, Steven had insisted that she do so nonetheless, so she did.

Steven and Tasha were definitely growing closer to each other, yet she had made it a point to try and keep things platonic between them. She wasn't trying to get in any relationship at the moment, she was young, only in high school and just trying to focus on graduating and getting into college.

So, as she sat in front of her older sister, her mind tried to move away from anything but the person she'd known her whole life. Something was up with Janelle, and she was going to get to the root of it.

Casually downing some of her ice-cold Sprite, Tasha's eyes remained trained on Janelle. Once she was done with her meal, she got up to throw away the trash on the table.

She didn't waste time beating around the bush once she sat back down. "So, what's up, Nelle?" She crossed her arms and continued staring at Janelle. "Why are you suddenly so intent on getting a date?"

"What do you mean? I'm just enjoying my time out with my favorite sister!" Janelle exclaimed, extremely doing the most.

"Wow, you can't even lie right. Just come clean, I know you. I won't judge or anything, you know that."

Janelle sighed and averted her eyes. Tasha was right, something was bothering her older sister. She had no idea what though.

Since Janelle wasn't saying anything, Tasha tried to guess, "Is it about...what's his face? Derek? The guy from Georgia?"

"Who?" Janelle was truthfully confused.

"Derek. The guy you're texting all the time, the dude you're online dating that you told me is from Georgia. Is this about him?"

Janelle grimaced and nodded. "Yes, but no."

Tasha sucked her teeth and shook her head. "Just tell me, Janelle."

"Ok, ok. I will. Just please keep it between us, Tasha. Please."

"Of course, I promise you I will. Now, spill."

After taking a deep breath, Janelle finally told her sister everything, "Derek is Nelson. All the times I told you I was texting some guy from Georgia, I was texting Nelson. We are-I mean, used to be together."

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