31. Calculation & A Whole Lotta Patience

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"So you're just gonna play me like that, mom?" She pouted at her mother, who smiled indifferently at her dramatic daughter.

"Tasha, I promise you it'll be okay. You weren't gonna do anything but mope around all afternoon. You know how those kids love you."

Tasha almost rolled her eyes but knew best not to. "I love them too, ma. But mom, I didn't know I had to babysit. Why didn't you or Dad tell me yesterday?"

Mrs. Simmons sighed and dropped her phone on the table, looking sternly at her daughter. "I told you already, Tasha. This was very last minute, but necessary. You know we haven't had dinner with the Atkins in a while because they've been busy with their new home. They can only meet today but they need a sitter, which is why we need you to watch AJ and Benny."

Tasha sighed, understanding yet still not loving the idea. AJ and Benny were great, adorable kids, the problem was that she wanted the space to mope in peace. Now she was going to have to smile and be chirpy for the little ones.

"Now that you've stopped complaining, go grab my favorite black heels from my room and tell your dad to hurry up."

Her shoulders sagged a bit but she agreed with,"Yes, ma'am." And she begrudgingly headed to her parents' room where she did as her mom told her.

After several more minutes of her parents getting ready and moving around the house, the Atkins finally rang the doorbell, making Tasha sigh in relief. Seeing the banter, love, and overall sweetness between her parents irritated her at that moment, so she just needed them to get out of the house before she started weeping.

Opening the front door, she was almost assaulted with the loud chattering of children, which brought a smile to her face as she stared down at AJ and Benny. They were the only children in sight, but the noise they caused made it seem as though it was a whole crowd of kids.

"Hey, y'all!" Tasha smiled and kneeled to pick up Benny who was stretching out his arms to her.

AJ smiled brightly and hugged Tasha's legs. "Wow, AJ! You've grown since I last saw you! How old are you now? Six?"

The little boy nodded excitedly, screeching, "Yes! I'm six years old!" Holding small six fingers up.

"Wow! And little Benny? How old are you, Benny?" She pinched his fat cheeks and the toddler giggled, holding up three fingers.

"He's three!" AJ exclaimed.

Tasha opened the door for the family to move into the house as she greeted both smiling parents. Mr. and Mrs. Atkins were one of the very few younger black couples living in Crest Bay. Simon Atkins worked alongside Tasha's Dad and had been friends with the Simmons family since before he married his wife Sandra.

"Hey, Tasha! Haven't seen you in a while and wow, you've grown beautifully!" Sandra smiled sincerely, hugging Tasha tightly.

Tasha laughed and hugged the woman back with similar strength. She hadn't realized how much she had missed her until that moment. Despite being a mom, Sandra was still relatively young. Less than ten years older than Tasha, which resulted in the two growing closer over the years.

"I've missed y'all and the kids, too. Oh, and the advice of course!" She hugged Simon before shutting the door.

"I bet you missed the advice, girl. And I know you need it too 'cause Janelle visited us last week and she told us a few interesting things, Ms. Tasha." Sandra gave her an accusing look.

Her husband laughed. "Honey, let's not jump on her right now. If she doesn't want to tell us things, it's okay. We ain't salty," he joked, clearly salty, and patted Tasha's head.

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