10. Basketball Game

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His muscles felt the exhausting pain of constant movement, continuous running, and strenuous stretching. In simple words, he was looking forward to halftime.

Crest High was in the lead by a couple of points, yet they were barely halfway through the game, meaning that the stakes were still very high. They needed to hold on to their position.

Dribbling through the court, Malik quickly passed the ball to a waiting Steven, who jumped up and scored victoriously. Right then, halftime was called.

"Andddd Crest High is on the lead! With shots by Morrison, Fredricks, Wellington, and Dexter!" The announcer could be barely heard through the gym, as Crest High students all screamed in the stands.

"If Crest can keep that lead, this will be the game that'll lead them to the playoffs next month!"

Coach Brown patted Malik on the back, he was proud of them, but still wanted them to know they needed to keep it up.

"Good job, boys! Next half of the game gotta be the same, hear me?"

The boys nodded as they drank water and removed sweat from foreheads. They were going to play even better once they got into the court again, winning was their mission.

Steven looked up the stands, his mind had been focused the whole game on scoring, only because he wanted to win his little bet with Tasha.

Cleaning up his forehead, he searched up the stands for Tasha, trying to confirm her presence. He couldn't see her.

"Looking for someone, Morrison?"

Steve turned around quickly, hearing a familiar feminine voice and chuckle behind him. It was Kennedy and Tasha.

He looked from Kennedy, who had asked him the question, to Tasha, who was just standing there laughing. His eyes, of course, settled on Tasha. The only thing he could think was: Wow. She looked...

"Wassup, Steven." She waved a little at him, and he found it so cute. "Y'all winning, but you still don't have the highest score in your team though..."

Steven shook his head and licked his lips. "Wow, okay. You're not even gonna compliment my strong game?" He was just teasing her, trying to see her reaction.

Tasha laughed and made a face. "Oh, please. What was that pass you made just now? And that jump shot?" She was teasing too, knowing well that he had played really well this far.

"You know what?" Steven was still smiling.

"What?" Tasha asked with a raised brow.

"Keep lying, princess. You look evermore cute doing it."

Just then, Coach Brown called out for the team, "C'mon, boys!! Time to go over the game plan!"

Steven sighed, he wanted to keep talking with Tasha, he loved their conversations, especially now that she didn't hate him.

Steven turned back to Tasha. "I gotta go, but you better be here when we win. Meet me outside of the locker rooms, alright?"

He waited until she reluctantly nodded, then he smiled and turned to head over where his team was gathered.

The team listened intently at their Coach's words as he went over their strategic plan to take home the victory. Once it was time to get back into court, they were beyond ready.

Steven's only goal was scoring. He wanted to feel bad for caring more about winning the bet with Tasha, than actually making it to the playoffs, yet he couldn't. He literally could care less about the actual game, he just wanted to make Tasha do whatever he wanted for a day.

He already had in mind what he would make her do. He was already excited by the idea.

Back in court, he continuously scored, finally surpassing Malik's number of nets. Up in the stand, a surprisingly playful Tasha was both anxious and expectant of Steve's plans for her. She obviously knew he was gonna win the bet.

Truth is, she knew from the start.



Tasha hugged her arms, desperately trying to retrain warmth. It was now evening, thus the weather had become unbearable.

"Fuck, I'm freezing!" Tasha exclaimed as she checked the street for the umpteenth time. She was waiting for Steven right in front of the school.

Crest High had won the game, and of course, Steven had scored the most on his team. Now, Tasha was kind of afraid. She was scared of Steven's plans for her. What would he want her to do for 24 hours?

"Oh, chin up, princess. Don't worry, I'm not gonna work you too hard."

Tasha slowly turned around. Steven was walking toward her with a satisfied grin on his beautiful lips. His dark blond hair was wet from the shower he took, and his eyes with a twinkle in them-he was very much pleased.

"I'm freezing my ass off, Steven. Hurry up and open your car and we can discuss the matter at hand."

Steven smiled, grabbed his keys, pushed the button and opened the door for Tasha to get in.

Tasha smiled back at him and said, "Thank you."

Inside the vehicle, she whistled as he folded himself inside too. "Nice car you got here, Morrison."

Steven just stared at Tasha a weird smile on his face. Ok, now she was scared.

"Are you okay? Stop acting creepy, Steven." She slapped his shoulder when he wouldn't stop his staring.

"C'mon, Tasha, don't be a sore loser. We're gonna have a fun 24 hours me and you."

Tasha glared at him. "It better not be anything illegal, Steven."

"I'm never gonna put you in any danger, I promise."

Tasha folded her arms over her chest, causing Steven to turn on the heater since she still was cold.

"So, what do I have to do then?" she asked him, dreading his response.

Steven rubbed his hands together in excitement, his eyes on Tasha's. "Tonight, Tasha... you're finally coming over for Dare Night."

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