Chapter 1.

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Tao & Me.

Omg, is this real or what, am I alive or am I dreaming, I can't tell, this is why I don't sleep at night so I... If I am dreaming, dream like this, if this love only happens in my dreams don't wake me up.* this feeling is unimaginable I can't describe it. His face, his abs, oh my his everything is what I dreamed of having in a man. This can't be true, he is like the missing puzzle piece of my now complete life.

Then he disappears and I feel so relaxed, a tingle in my chest is what I feel whenever I think of him what does this all mean then I open my eyes again and he is siting right in front of me, "naked" ,

"how did u sleep my beautiful," he said, "

"I slept great I think, Am I dreaming,"

"No at least I don't think u are," he said. It was a little bit hard to understand him because he sounded like he was Chinese, I think.

"Did u enjoy last night," he said

"Um, last night,"

" do you not remember any of it," he said.

" oh I do it's just I can't believe that i am with u,"


"Oh sorry that came out wrong,"

"No that was just perfect,"he said as he leaned over to kiss me," ring, ring,.."

"Oh you better answer that,"

"Ya excuse me, Hello."

And he has fabulous manners just like..... no never mind that's not important right now the only thing that I love in my life is the perfect angle sitting in front of me.

Tao came back to me and said,

"Sorry about that it was just kris asking whether or not I free but I explained that I met this awesome girl who she seems right now to be the love of my life, but I can't say just yet, anyway I asked kris to come over for dinner because he said he want we to meet u so I said why not come to dinner to meet her,"he said as again leaning towards me to kiss me and then just like movies we just fell in to a love passion addiction that didn't seem to stop I enjoyed it , I never ask mr. Awesomeness,

*if I am dreaming.

I'm in the middle of writing chapter 2-3

And trust me u won't regret it.

U know reading it.

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