00. the introduction

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the one where a rumor is spread about two friends

THE MORNING OF THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14th was as average and cloudy as any other morning had been the past few weeks. nothing was different, nothing was new. mackenzie slipped on a black t-shirt and a pair of light blue mom jeans, along with her black vans. her sister maddie drove her to school and there she met up with her best friend, lexi jayde.

WHILE WALKING DOWN THE HALLWAY mackenzie had noticed the extra long glances and the whispers as the girls passed people at their locker.

"what is going on? did you win the nobel peace prize or something?" kenzie tentatively asked lexi.
"me? no, no sweety. they are all looking at you." she answered, mockingly.

mackenzie quickly noticed exactly how many eyes were on her as she walked. all of them. everyone was turned away from their lockers and conversations and towards the small girl with long brown hair.
she pointed her head straight down and hurried the rest of the way to her locker, which was at the very end of the hallway.

mackenzie wasn't used to the attention being on her. she wasn't a loser-dork type, but she definitely didnt run the school either. she had friends, even some being the popular kids, but she never went out of her way to go to their parties or become best friends with them.

"lex, what the hell is going on? did i bleed through my jeans? how could i already do that? it's been an hour since i-"

"baby, no," lexi interrupted her, "haven't you heard?"

the wise words of abby
i've been dying to write this forever and i finally have the motivation pls don't let her flop🥺

don't steal; this is my original idea
started 7/1
finished: 8/29

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