07. the evil boy

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stirrin up our little town, the last week or two


LEXI WALKED INTO SCHOOL WITH JOEY birlem. mackenzie absolutely hated joey. in her eyes, he was human scum and nothing would ever change that. he and lexi dated from january-september but she broke up with him when he started to get controlling.

mackenzie didn't like him while they were dating, but lexis mom called mackenzie, begging her to come over. lexi has been sobbing on the bathroom floor for an hour before mackenzie was able to drag her into her bed, and that's where she consoled her all night. that's when she decided joey birlem wasn't worth the gum on the bottom of her black flats.

since then, lexi and him would still talk, hang out, makeout, and just about everything else. it made mackenzies blood boil. the same boy she sobbed about for hours, is now her new best friend.

lexi claimed that they were just friends and sometimes things just happened, but mackenzie knew that you don't do stuff like that with your ex and call it friends with benefits.

when lexi is around she keeps her mouth shut, because the last time mackenzie really expresses her opinion, lexi didn't talk to her for a week.

lexi and the evil boy walked up to mackenzies locker, where she was unloading her bookbag.

"hello, kenzie," joey laughed.

that name coming out of his mouth made me shake with anger.

"don't call me that," she spit at him.

he ignored her and looked at lexi, "are you coming to angels party tonight?"

"ya, you wanna take me?"

"sure thing babe, see you later," they embraced and he looked at mackenzie, who still had her head shoved in her locker. "kenz," he nodded and walked away.

"i get you don't like him but you could at least be respectful."

"you're right, i can't stand him." mackenzie said, and started to walk to her first period class.

lexi walked next to her, but not many words were exchanged.

"he's different now, i promise," she told her.

"you've been saying that since august. tomorrow night you're going to call me crying about him."

"sorry! i forgot you're the relationship expert. you've never even had a boyfriend and you're fake dating one because he's horny," she snapped.

"joey being a living douche bag has nothing to do with me and johnny."

"whatever, you could at least be happy for me."

"i'll be happy for you when you get out the toxicity of that shit show."

lexi didn't even respond. she simply glared at her and continued walking to her class.

mackenzie broke off of lexi once she got to her biology class. she sat in her seat, still fuming, when a very familiar presence sat next to her.

"hey mackenzie," he said.

"hey, asher." she gave him a closed mouth, slightly confused smile.

"j.o. told me you were planning on stopping by at my party."

"ya for a little. johns making me," she said, not paying much attention to him. she was digging through her pencil pouch looking for a highlighter.

"well i'm pretty excited to see you. no parents, a lot of alcohol, guest bedrooms.. for you and john of course!"

"hey asher, can you leave me alone?" she smiled sweetly at him.

"sure thing," he clicked his tongue and pointed finger guns at her.

apparently her 'dating' john means she is automatically friends with his friends. she didn't like that.

im not doing this party
can we go bowling or something

one party won't kill you
isn't lexi going

with joey. i hate that kid

only 30 minutes. please🥺

fine and ashers creepy

i'll let him know


wise words of abby
y'all ever live vicariously through your own characters😔😔😔

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