06. the black 2011 honda accord

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there's a rumor going 'round about me and you


MACKENZIE SLID HER LEGS THROUGH A pair of black leggings, and threw on a blue sweatshirt from brandy melville. the weather that day was not supposed to go above 45, which is a little too cold for mackenzies liking.

"are you ready to go?? jesus mackenzie your hair isn't even brushed! we're leaving in 5 minutes!" maddie said frantically.

"you don't need to take me today, i have a ride." she spoke, hoping her sister wouldn't ask more questions.

"with lexi?? why? she lives so far away from
here," maddie questioned.

"uh well-" a car horn from outside of the house interrupted mackenzie. the girls looked out the window that reveals the front yard.

"a black honda? i thought lexi drove a red jeep?" maddie spoke to herself, before connecting the dots.
"oh my god, that's not lexi, johns taking you to school?!"

the front door of the car swung open and none other than johnny orlando walked out, heading towards the front door.

maddie dropped the blinds and her mouth hung wide open as she looked at her sister. "so you really are dating!"

"you heard about the rumors?"

"well i heard them at school, and i came home last night and mom let me know you had him over for dinner! why didn't you tell me?!"

mackenzie shrugged and grabbed her hairbrush. "i didn't think it was a huge deal."

"he's your first boyfriend!! my baby sister is growing up!" maddie smooshed her sisters cheeks and gave her a big hug.

"let go..... can't breathe...." she panted from inside of her sisters tight embrace.

"MACKIE!!! JOHN IS HERE!!!!" melissa screamed from the bottom of the steps.

"just, mom thinks we're friends. don't tell her yet. i'm waiting for the right time!" she whispered, as she slipped her bookbag over her shoulders and headed out the door.

"your secret is safe with me," maddie laughed. she winked and pretended to zip her mouth and throw away the key.

mackenzie ran down the stairs and gave her mom a quick hug. "love ya, see ya!" she shouted and she pulled john out of the door with her.

"bruh you didn't have to come INTO my house?!"

"i wanted to say hello to your mother, that's what good boyfriends do!"

"too bad you're not my real boyfriend," mackenzie glanced at him, to see how his face changed. he only furrowed his eyebrows.

she swung open the passenger door and slid in, while he got into the drivers side.

"i never took you for a honda guy."

"i never took you for a morning person," he responded.

"can we stop for coffee on the way? i didn't have time to make any this morning."

john started his car and put one hand behind her seat. he turned around so he could back out, obviously keeping the other hand on the wheel.

"you do not need coffee," he obnoxiously said, their faces too close for mackenzies liking.

she only stuck out her bottom lip and crossed her arms.

after he successfully backed out of the driveway, he looked over at her pouting.

"no! that doesn't work on me!" he tried to convince her. she only began batting her eyelashes in protest. "fine, there's a dunkin on the way."

"YAY!" she shouted and kissed his cheek.

he laughed at her childish response, but she noticed the blush that rose to his cheeks.

it made her blush too.

he pulled into the dunkin' donuts and ordered two medium iced coffees with creamer and caramel flavoring and sauce.

"you remembered my order?" mackenzie gushed.

"you made me try some that one day over the summer and it's been my go to order ever since," he laughed, embarrassed.

"i told you. it's the best coffee order."

he nodded his head, and drove to the second window. he handed the worker his card, she swiped it and gave him it back to him with the two orders.

"i have five dollars in my bag, hold on," mackenzie unzipped her bag and struggled to find her wallet.

"don't worry, on me." she tilted her head to the side in confusion. "i'm trying to get good boyfriend points, remember?"

"there's no one around to even know that," she giggled.

"it's practice, for when i need to do it for real."

mackenzies mood changed. her stomach dropped and it felt like there was a ball in her throat.

"ya, practice," she agreed quietly.

he steadily pulled out of the parking lot and onto a main street.

"is everything ok, kenz?" he said, taking a sip of his drink at a red light.

"yea, everything's perfect." she lied.

she didn't know why she suddenly got upset. she didn't like john, they weren't really dating. but hearing him say she was only practice, it hurt a little. she didn't want it to. but it did.

she was getting in too deep and it hasn't even been a day.

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