02. the confrontation

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how many nights have we hung out together?


"YOU'RE TRYING TO TELL ME SOMEONE somehow convinced the whole school we are dating?" mackenzie laughed into johns face.

"yes, that's exactly what i'm saying!" he said in defense.

mackenzie only rolled her eyes in response, and turned her back on him so she could close her locker door.

john was cute, yes. he was athletic and muscular, obviously. he was a really kind, genuine guy, one of the only ones left. but he wasn't her boyfriend. hell the boy wasn't even her crush!

mackenzie and john had been friends for a couple of years now. they would hang out with their group of friends pretty often, but also sometimes alone. it wasn't ever a date-type setting, but he'd come over to dinner with her family or they'd go rollerskating when they were bored.

it wasn't that mackenzie didn't like johns personality, killer smile, or the way he dressed. the only reason she never developed a real crush on him was because 2 years ago, lexi was in love with the boy. she obviously got over him in only a few weeks (because that's lexi) but mackenzie never saw him as a boyfriend after that.

"mackenzie, wait," he said, grabbing her forearm so she wouldn't walk away.

"i need to get to class," she said unapologetically.

he scurried for a response, "let me walk you! we need to talk about this." he gave her a very apologetic look.

"then let's go, mrs. brett doesn't like when we're late," she said, while rolling her eyes for the third time.

"ok girl, chill. it's not like i killed your dog. i just want to know why you would say we are dating," he asked as nicely as possible.

mackenzie choked on air. "are you joking? you think i started this dumbass rumor?!" she began laughing uncontrollably.

just then a boy named asher angel whistled as he passed them.

the kids ignored him but the freshmen walking behind them let out a few laughs.

"what do you mean you didn't start it?  then who did?" he asked, slightly frantic.

"i thought that it was you!"

"why would i do that?" confusion swept over his face.

"i don't know! why would i?"

he only shrugged.

they walked in silence for only a moment before a freshman that neither of them knew stopped right in front of them.

"are you guys actually dating?? i like TOTALLY ship! but if you're not, you should add me on snap!" she giggled and pointed to the green eyed boy next to mackenzie.

she glared at the freshman and opened her mouth, "n-"

"yea, haha. i guess news travels fast." johnny interrupted mackenzie and laughed.

the freshie slumped her shoulders and stomped away.


john cut her off once again, by placing his hand over her mouth.

"quiet! jeez!" he hastily whispered.

the warning bell rang, signifying that there was only 3 minutes until class started. the hallway quickly emptied, except for the few kids who were running late.

"i'm sorry, i panicked. i just didn't want to give her my number. we can talk about this later. in the meantime don't answer any specific questions! we'll come up with a plan after 7th!" he quickly spoke and hurried to the other side of the hallway so he could make it to his class, on the other side of the school.

"i didn't agree to any of this!" mackenzie yelled after him.

john only turned around and winked at her.

mackenzie walked by herself the rest of the way to biology. she was barely able to walk into the door before being bombarded with questions about her and john.

she knew that it was going to be a very long day.

wise words of abbyjohnny is such a squishVOTE AND COMMENT :)

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wise words of abby
johnny is such a squish

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