19. the winter formal-posal?

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should we keep them talking, girl
or should we just make 'em stop?


IT WAS EXACTLY TWO WEEKS AND TWO days until the winter formal dance, and mackenzie still didn't have a date.

she'd been hoping john would just text her and ask her, but he hadn't yet and time was running out.

she checked her phone as soon as she woke up on that snowy, wednesday morning to see if johnny had texted her. it was just a random text asking if you need to clean the folds of pugs and bull dogs. she giggled at the text and sent him multiple question marks as a response. he liked texting her random questions at 3 am and she liked receiving them.

mackenzie threw on some clothes, nothing she hasn't worn before. she applied a thin layer of mascara and slipped on her white vans, before making her way down the stairs.

as she walked into the kitchen, her mother was talking to someone at the door. "who is it ma?" she yelled, facing the inside of the pantry.

"oh! it's john! he wanted to talk to me," melissa responded.

mackenzie giggled to herself, her mother really did love john, almost like he was her very own son.

"alright, tell him i'll be out in a second," mackenzie yelled back, digging deeper into the pantry.

"no need to yell, jeez my ears," a voice said, now right behind her.

"JESUS JOHNNY!" she says, turning around and seeing his face way too close to hers.

he chuckled to himself. "now hurry, you're going to make us late."

she rolled her eyes and grabbed a s'mores pop tart. she snuck her hand into johnny's and waved her mother goodbye.

the two entered johns car and mackenzie noticed one half filled dunkin cup and one full one.

"i have passed my addiction onto you," she said with a small laugh.

he laughed in response, but didn't say anything.

"thank you, by the way, i appreciate this," she grabbed the drink and took a sip.

"hey! no, who said they arent both for me?"

"me, it's mine now," she mocked and took a bigger gulp.

he rolled his eyes and started the car, backing out and making his way out of her neighborhood.

"oh ya, for formal, you're wearing a red dress, right? god please tell me it's red. you look great in everything, don't get me wrong. but you in red? mmm," he held one hand over his mouth as he made the last noise.

"i didn't know i was going to formal?" she raised her eyebrow, signaling for him to keep explaining.

"not going to formal? girl, that's the thing that started this! 'john asked mackenzie to wInTeR fOrMaL!" he mimicked almost everyone from a couple of weeks ago.

throughout the time they were 'fake-dating', then not, then 'real-talking', to now, the school has kinda quieted down. there are still kids who whistle or stare at them in the hallway, but it's a pretty known fact that they are in fact, a couple.

or were a couple.

mackenzie didn't quite know what they were.

"yes, true. but you never asked me!" she defended herself.

"mackenzie ziegler. kenzie. kenz. my girl. will you do me the upmost honor, and go to winter formal with me?"

her heart fluttered at the 'my girl', it was a new one.

"john orlando. johnny. jayjay. weird man. i will do you the upmost honor and attend the winter ball with you." she mimicked his 'middle ages' accent.

"ah hoorah! hooray!"

"oo i hated that," she responded to his awkward noises.

"ya me too, i won't do that again," he laughed. "but you're wearing red, right?"

"yes, the dress i picked out is red," she gave into his nagging.

he silently pumped one fist in the air and gave her his award winning smile.

"you already had a dress picked out?" he teased her.

"i was waiting for you to ask me!" she shot back.

"why didn't you ask me?"

"i didn't know if you wanted to go with me," she shrugged.

"would you have gone if someone else asked you?," he asked her, slightly afraid of the answer.

"of course not! john, i like you. only you." she tried to convince him.

she could see the blush he was trying to hide on his cheeks. it made her blush too.

they pulled into school a few minutes later and walked into the building together. john held her hand all the way to her locker, before kissing her cheek and running down to his.

"bye!" she called out, a little annoyed at his abruptness.

"BYE!" he yelled from already halfway down the hallway.

"i'm so voting for them for prince and princess. i'd die to have a boy as in love with me as he is with her." mackenzie heard as a group of freshmen walked passed her.

she smiled to herself. for once in her life, people wanted something she had. it was a new feeling, but it was a good one.

wise words of abby
this took me so long to write, i don't even know why
it's kinda boring but i thot it was cute lolz

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