05. the bedroom

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they wanna know what's up, why i'm still holding you, even when the song is over


MACKENZIE SAT IN THE CHAIR BY HER desk and stared at john intensively.

"if i didn't know any better, i'd think you were trying to shoot me with lasers out of you eyes," he stuck his pointer fingers on each side of his head, pretending they were lasers.

"that's exactly what i was trying to do!" mackenzie sighed, "unfortunately, my lasers aren't working today."

johnny chuckled and sat on the edge of her bed with white sheets and a million throw pillows.

"can you tell me why you're really here?" she sighed, resting her head on the back of her chair.

"i wanted to talk about everything. after i uh kissed you, you seemed spooked and than you practically ran away. i shouldn't have done that. i'm sorry."

"don't be sorry, you were trying to make me feel better. it's ok, boys don't think about that stuff." she said quietly, not making eye contact.

"well than on that note, i was hoping tomorrow we could go to ashers and-"

"why would we be hanging out again tomorrow?" mackenzie stopped him.

"he's having a party, if you would have let me finished i would have said that."

"john, you know me. i don't go to parties. i roller skate and eat ice cream."

"i know. that's why i'm taking you to the party," he tried to reason with her.

"no no no, i won't. besides my mom would never let me!"

johnny rolled his eyes and raised one eyebrow, "your mom loves me. nice try, but she'd let you go anywhere if she knew i was there."

she made a pouty face at him.

"we don't have to go if you don't want to, we could just eat dinner with melissa again..."

mackenzie through her hands up, "fine! fine! i'll go to the stupid party."

"there we go mackie," he said, putting emphasis on the name her mother called her earlier.

"call me mackie again and it'll be the last thing you ever say," she smiled.

"well mackenzie is too formal for me. everyone calls you that. i need a nickname, that only i can call you."

she just shrugged, "how about kenzie, ooo or kenz?"

"kenz, ya. i like that." he nodded and smiled to himself.

it made mackenzie smile, he already called her that once today. maybe he just forgot, the word just rolled off of his tongue earlier. or maybe he wanted her to think she came up with the nickname. either way, it sounds so hot coming from him.

"you should probably get going, i have actual homework i need to get done," she yawned, pointing to her bookbag.

"i can help! i love school!"

"it's precalc. you had a D in precalc last quarter. it's your worst subject by a lot."

"yaaaa, i probably should get going. did you know, i'm allergic to math? ya it's like a chronic thing," he smiled and stood up, off of her bed.

"i'll see you tomorrow at school," she smiled to him.

"and i'll pick you up at 7:45 for school."

"maddie drives me, though?" mackenzie said, very confused.

"not anymore," he winked and walked out of her bedroom.

not 3 minutes later melissa strolled into mackenzies room and looked around. mackenzie was still sitting in the same position at her chair.

"next time you bring a boy to your room, at least pretend to do homework," melissa chuckled at her daughter.

mackenzies face turned red at the remark. "what do you mean?"

"mackie, he didn't even bring his bookbag up to your room."


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whorelandhoe yuh yuh yuh
ashyasher 🤨🤨🤨
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