21. the rumor

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come on over here, let's really give them something to talk about


MACKENZIES EYEBROWS FURROWED AT the words coming from the green eyed boys mouth.

"haha very funny. so you don't know who started it?" she asked, not believing it was actually him.

"no kenz, i'm serious. i knew you didn't like me. we were friends and all, but i knew if i asked you out you wouldn't have said yes. so i made hayden go around asking a bunch of people if 'john and mackenzie are really dating?' and eventually it spread pretty fast. i'm not sure how he did it, but hayden has his ways." he revealed.

"you don't know that! i might have said yes!"

"it wouldn't have been the same. we'd go on a date and you wouldn't be interested. i was in it for the long run."

"you sly mother fucker," mackenzie laughed and shook her head at him.

"i wasn't willing to lose you before i even had you."

mackenzies heart fluttered at the brilliant words that were coming out of his mouth. she didn't want them to stop, but she also was dying to do something.

she leaned into him and placed her lips onto his, similarly to earlier that night. but, this time they didn't break apart as soon. she held on tight to the feeling, the moment, and him.

once they did break apart, his smile was filled with genuine joy and love.

"i'm ready to go, how about you, prince?"

"let's get out of here."

wise words of abby
sorry it's so short i stupidly made the last chapter SO FUCKING LONG LOLOLOL

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