15. the reckoning

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stirring up our little town the last week or two


MACKENZIE SILENTLY WONDERED downstairs that sunday morning and poured herself a big, hot mug of coffee.

not long after, her older sister maddie showed up in the kitchen aswell.

"i'm sorry mack," she whispered randomly, after contemplating whether to bring it up or not.

"for what?" she questioned her beautiful, blue eyed sister.

"john, mom told me you guys argued. or at least he yelled. don't be afraid to talk to him. he did it out of love." she smiled and rubbed her shoulder.

"i don't know if he did. i said some really inconsiderate things. i should have taken his feelings into consideration. it's my fault."

"you might have messed up, but he didn't have to leave. he could have stayed and presented his feelings assertively," their mother said as she strolled into the kitchen.

her mom was a middle school guidance councilor, so she always joined in on their conversations with her own bit of opinions.

"when he wants to talk he will." mackenzie simply said and went back to sipping her coffee.

there was a ping that came from melissa's phone. he checked it, but quickly slipped it back into her robe pocket.

mackenzie perked up, "what was that?"

"no one, nothing," she answered with ease.

"was it dad?" mackenzie sad, not being able to stop the question from leaving her mouth.

"excuse me?"

"dad texted me last night. and i remember you being really angry with someone on the phone yesterday. it was him wasn't it?"

melissa stood silent for a moment, taken back by the situation. "i'm so sorry mackie." she hesitated. "i told him he wasn't allowed to talk to you, but he wouldn't listen."

"why would you keep him away from me?!" she spit at her mom.

both melissa and maddie's mouths fell open.

"keep him from you? i was protecting you! if he truly loved you, he wouldn't have left without a second thought!" she yelled at her young daughter.

"you kept me away from him! you hid us! you treated him as if he was dead! if it wasn't for you, i might have a dad right now!"

"mack, you need to chill," maddie whispered and grabbed her arm.

"no! why should i!? she took my dad away from me."

"he left us! are you insane? he packed his bags and walked out that front door. that is the driveway that you sobbed on as he drove away and didn't look back. the only person who was keeping you from a father was that man." maddie said to her.

she gulped and shook her head. mackenzie rushed out of the kitchen and up the stairs. "well i'm seeing him tonight and neither of you can stop me!"

"mom! are you going to let her?" maddie whined.

"it's her dad. she made that decision. and she's right, i can't keep him from you two forever."

"well i, i never want to look at that man again." she growled in a low voice.

wise words of abby
stupid mackenzie
i'm bored
snap back to date
i'm not sure what i'm doing

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