16. the woman named bertha

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so tell me why we even trying to deny this feeling
i feel it, don't you feel it too?


MACKENZIE PULLED A RED WRAP DRESS over her head and carefully tied it. she added some concealer over her chin and forehead and under eyes. she swiped on a red tinted lip gloss, that made her already plump lips, a little more noticeable.

she smiled in the mirror one last time while playing with her hair. she grabbed her purse and silently prepared herself for the dinner she had.

for being the first time she will see her father in almost three years, she was at ease. she was confident that he would see her, talk to her, and beg to come back home.

her phone dings and she digs it out of her small black purse. she prayed it was a text from lexi that might have read, "hope everything goes well tonight! i can pick you up if it goes south xoxo💋"

but it wasn't. it was a notification about 25% off calvin klein underwear at urban outfitters.

she didn't tell lexi about her dad. she didn't tell lexi about her fight with john. she lied yesterday about why she couldn't stay long. they hadn't spoken since the mall yesterday. which doesn't seem like that long, but to them, it definitely was. she'd been lying to lexi about almost everything. they were the type of friends that told each other everything, no matter how personal. and mackenzie felt like she was losing that.

she tucked her iphone X into her purse and took a deep breath, mentally preparing herself one last time.

she walked down the stairs, careful not to trip in her tan wedges. her mother was sitting on the couch reading a magazine.

she didn't say anything. she was hoping to be able to slip by without a word exchanged with her mother.

"you look nice," maddie said in a sarcastic tone, as she walked out of the kitchen.

she gave her sister a weak smile as a thank you, but knew the compliment wasn't sincere.

melissa looked up from her magazine and scanned her daughter up and down. "i like those shoes. didn't i buy them for you last year?"

mackenzie nodded and looked down at her shoes.

"ah that's what i thought. actually, i think i bought that dress too. for debby's wedding last summer? and those earrings were a birthday gift from me as well!" she smiled.

mackenzie wasn't dumb. she knew what her mother was doing. mackenzies mom has been there for everything, while her father hadn't.

maybe he would have though, if melissa wasn't so selfish.

mackenzie let out a soft laugh and mumbled "yeah."

maddie grabbed mackenzies arm and pulled her deeper into the kitchen, away from earshot of melissa. "what the fuck, mack?"

"excuse me?" mackenzie shot back.

"why are you doing this?" maddie's bright blue eyes glistened in the sunset. she was picture perfect. some might even say model worthy, mackenzie definitely agreed. her light brown hair, with blonde highlights, fell perfectly from her head and a little past her shoulders. she had the cutest button nose and her lips were a little less full than mackenzies, but still gorgeous.

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