03. the first kiss

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same little crowd, little bar, little town
'round this old dance floor


AFTER A LONG DAY OF DEFLECTING questions and random kids in the hallway staring at her, she finally made it to the end of the day.

she sat her bag down on the picnic table and her and lexi sat on the bench.

"are you sure this is where you're supposed to meet?" lexi asked, for the twelfth time.

"yes! i'm positive! he said we'll meet up at the orange table in front of the school. that ones red, that ones yellow, this one is orange." mackenzie answered her dramatically.

"ok ok, jeez. i still think it's weird that you went along with it." she questioned her friend.

"ya i don't know either. i guess having two conflicting stories would be bad. i'm just going to tell him, whenever he shows up, that i'm not doing it."

"you're not doing what? dating him?" lexi asked, taking a bite of her hot cheeto.

"fake-dating! key word; fake!" mackenzie corrected her.

just then john walked out of the front doors of the school and walked to the girls immediately.

"i thought we were meeting at my locker?" he asked mackenzie, triggering her to throw her arms up in frustration.

lexi let out a "i told you so" laugh and stood up, patting down her red skirt. "i'll talk to you later, bye mackenzie!" she grabbed her bag off of the table and began to walk away.

"bye lexi," john said, putting emphasis on this 'bye'.

she turned around for half a second to wave and immediately went back on her journey to her car.

"ok, time to talk." mackenzies mood shifted from light-hearted to serious as soon as she saw john.

"well i got a C on my math quiz, thanks for asking."

"i don't remember asking, nor caring?? can you just tell me why the hell you're doing this?"

"woah woah woah, that is no way to speak to your winter formal date." he held his hand up to his chest, pretending to be hurt.

"i am not going to winter formal with you. i just simply want you to explain why you're going along with the rumors." she crossed her arms and gave him a look.

"i think it's funny! like why do people care so much about what we're going in our own time! also it could be extremely beneficial to the both of us."

"benefits...?" she questioned.

"like you can finally say you have had a boyfriend," mackenzie slapped his arms, but he ignored and continued, "and i've been bored recently. gives me something to do. like dates and such."

"ah you want to date me because you are bored, you sure know how to woo a girl," mackenzie mocked.

"oh come on, that's not what i mean. my mom is constantly grilling me for not having a social life outside of sports, so maybe now she'll stop setting me up with her coworkers daughters," he sighed.

mackenzie let out a laugh, "coworkers daughters? that doesn't sound horrible at all."

"trust me. it's 10x worse than whatever you're imagining," he started to laugh with her.

"maybe everyone will stop making fun of me for not having my first kiss yet too," mackenzie quickly mentioned.

"everyone? kenz that's not something to be embarrassed about," he frowned.

mackenzies cheeks turned red. kenz. she normally hates when people call her that, but coming off of his tongue it sounds perfect.

"i know, it shouldn't be. but when you're 16 and have never kissed anyone, you get a little embarrassed," she shrugged, hoping he would change the subject.

the two looked into each other's eyes for a few moments. "don't slap me, but..." john leaned into her and connected their lips, mackenzie only kissed back for a second before he pulled away and grinned.

"see, no reason to be embarrassed anymore."


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wise words of abby
me casually waiting for my crush to kiss me bc i asked him to???

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