08. the daddy issues

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so tell me why we even trying to deny this feeling
i feel it, don't you feel it too?


JOHN PULLED INTO MACKENZIES DRIVE and unlocked his doors. he checked his hair in his mirrors once again and took a deep breath. he began walking out of his car and towards the front door of mackenzie ziegler.

"hello john! i feel like i've seen you 3 times in the past day!" melissa teases him.

"i suppose you have, can i come in?" john politely asked.

"oh yes of course, i'm guessing you're here for mackie?"

he rubbed the back of his head in nervousness, "ya, i was hoping i could take her to a friend of mines party, we probably won't be there long, but i promised asher i'd go."

"if it was anyone else, i'd definitely not allow it. but i know you john and i trust you. just keep her safe and out of trouble, alright?" melissa assuredly told him.

"melissa, i'd never do anything that would put kenz in harms way," he gushed, having his cheeks turn a shade of red, "i care about her too much."

"hey guys, you talking about me?" mackenzie said as she pranced down the stairs. she was wearing blue ripped jeans with a white shirt from urban outfitters. her heart locket hung on her neck and glistened when the light hit it.

"you look gorgeous, kenz," john said as he kissed her cheek.

"you two are just the cutest! get going, i don't want to hold you up!" melissa rambled to the couple.

"we should get going now, i left my wallet at my house and i don't want lauren taking my money." john chuckled.

mackenzie pushed her long hair behind her ears and slipped on her nike 1s. she hugged her mother and said goodbye, before following john out of the house.

as she buckled her seatbelt she said to john, "so lauren steals things from your wallet?"

he just laughed a little.

"what's so funny?" she questioned him, giggling to herself as well.

"my uh fake id is in my wallet. asher texted me before i got here and said i needed to make a beer run," he said nervously.

"ahh i see, you just couldn't look like a rebellious teen in front of my mother."

"of course not!" he slid his hand through his hair, "she just told me she trusted me!"

"she doesn't trust many people ya know," mackenzie sighs, "since my dad walked out a couple years ago, things have been hard for her. she never likes when maddie brings boys over, but you light up her whole world. you're a good guy."

the statement made john extremely happy. he even let himself smile in excitement, before making things serious.

"how has it been, without your dad?" he asked.

mackenzie remained silent, thinking of ways to answer.

"you don't have to talk about it. i know he left before we became friends really, but you have just never brought it up. i can't imagine how hard that must be."

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