12. the snapchats

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there's a rumor going 'round about me and you


MACKENZIE SAT IN LUNCH, EAGERLY awaiting precalc. that is her one class with johnny
all day. as the seconds ticked by she was shaking her foot with anticipation.

"you good?" hayden asked from the seat next to her.

she usually sits with lexi at lunch, and though hayden sits next to her, they never really talk. she's usually too busy and caught up in conversation with her best friend. but this past week, lexi was sitting at joeys table with all of his friends. mackenzies other option would be to sit with john, but he's in the lunch before her. so she sits silently at the end of the long rectangle table, silently eavesdropping on hayden and a few other football players conversation.

"mhm," she smiled and stopped the shaking.

"how are you and john doing?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

"we're fine- good. really good," she awkwardly told him.

hayden laughed and took a bite of his sandwich. "that's what he says too. says you're the best thing that's ever happened to him."

the moment could have been extremely romantic, but with hayden's mouth full of peanut butter and jelly, it was just cute and cheesy.

"i didn't know he talked about me like that," mackenzie said, looking down at her empty lunchbox.

"when doesn't he? ever other word that comes out of his mouth is kenz! bruh you have him so whipped."

mackenzie smiled at the idea of him actually liking her, but she knew it wasn't true. she just needed practice and he was bored.

that's all it was. nothing more and nothing less.

the bell eventually rang and signaled that all lunch periods were over. it was time for 5th period. precalc.

mackenzie took a few deep breaths and let the kids flood out of the cafeteria, before she get up and walked to her favorite class of the day.

as she walked in, usually she is one of the last people, she noticed johns seat was empty and it remained empty, even after the bell rang a minute later.

she decided that she'd ask, being the great girlfriend that she was.

she pulled out her phone and zoomed in to take a picture of primarily her face.

she pulled out her phone and zoomed in to take a picture of primarily her face

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he opened it and responded in only a matter of seconds.

he opened it and responded in only a matter of seconds

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her heart fluttered at the heart sticker he added. why does he always have to be so extra?

 why does he always have to be so extra?

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mackenzie felt relief knowing he wasn't purposely skipping the one class they had together

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mackenzie felt relief knowing he wasn't purposely skipping the one class they had together. it still made her sad that she wouldn't see him again until tomorrow morning.

"mackenzie, off the phone," her teacher said. the whole class turned around and looked right at her. her cheeks burned red and she murmured an apology.

"she was probably just texting john," she heard a annie leblanc whisper to her friend.

"they are so cute. i want that," the girls friend, jayden bartels, responded.

mackenzie smiled to herself, the small conversation the girls were having made her feel butterflies in her stomach. for so long she wanted to have the perfect highschool relationship, and now people want hers? it's weird how fast things change.

only except, she doesn't have the perfect highschool relationship. she kept having to remind her heart that.

at the end of the day, she checked her phone, realizing she'd left johnny on opened. he'd usually respond with a sad face or a question mark, but today he sent her something completely different.

 he'd usually respond with a sad face or a question mark, but today he sent her something completely different

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