09. the party

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there's a rumor going 'round and 'round and 'round
what ya say we make it true?


his car to open mackenzie's door for her. he stuck out his other hand, which she so graciously grabbed.

"i can chill inside while you go run back to the store," she smiled.

"why would i need to go to the store?" he questioned her.

"the beer...for the party..."

"oh ya, i uh don't need to do that," he sheepishly grinned.

mackenzie shot him a confused look, but ultimately shrugged.

he dragged her to the front door, where she dropped his hand and readied herself.

"well this party was fun! time to go home!" she sang into his ear.

"very funny, we'll only be a minute, but i want you to experience this. plus it's good for the act."

"the act?"

"well if we're dating, it'd be weird if i showed up to a party alone. people would be suspicious, you know?"

mackenzies heart sunk, sometimes she liked to forget they weren't actually dating. like she knew they weren't dating, she understood that, but hearing it stung. "ok, let's go," she agreed.

as the pair walked into the large home, they were greeted by drunk and dancing teens.

"i'm going to get some drinks, you cool here?" john asked her, standing at the doorway.

"oh ya totally, i'll just chill here... in front of the door," mackenzie said, satirical.

john clenched his jaw. "right, sorry." he grabs her hand, "come with me."

he leads her throughout the living room, making sure to dodge drunken idiots, and into the kitchen. he pours a bud light into a red solo cup and soda into another. he hands her the beer and she graciously accepts.

"coke?" she questioned him, as he stared into his beverage.

"i'm driving you home."

"right, right," she mumbled.

john looks around, his gaze landing on the outside porch. "let's go out there, i think i see asher."

the pair walk though the back sliding door and onto the porch. asher angels head shot up and his green eyes landed perfectly on mackenzies.

"john orlando and mackenzie ziegler!" he shouted not a second later, "i'd never think to see john actually bring a girl to one of these thing." he winked at john, as he approached the two. john punched his shoulder and leg out a chuckle.

"mackenzie?" she heard a voice say. she turned her head and saw lexi approaching her quickly.

"hey lex," she said, slightly confused, wasn't she just mad at her?

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