22. the epilogue

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they made it true.


JOHN AND MACKENZIE WERE TALKING about the future in his black honda accord.

mackenzie knew this would be the last time she would be sitting next to him in this car, that this would be the last time she would be with him for a long time.

"we can facetime everyday and talk about everything that happened and i'll never stop texting you," he offered, trying the best he could to make things work.

"we're going to be 3 hours apart, i go to bed early and it just- it'd be hard."

"of course it's going to be hard, but we're going to make it work, because we're us. because you're mackenzie ziegler and i'm john orlando."

she shook her head, trying her best to keep the tears in. "i'm sorry," she cried.

"why are you sorry? mackenzie stop crying, it's going to be ok."

"i don't want you going to california with a girlfriend. there are going to be other girls there. they will be pretty, funny, kind, and caring. i don't want to hold you back." she bit her lip and her eyes fluttered down to her lap.

"don't say that. dont ever say that. you're not holding me back. you make me better." he was crying now too. "i don't care about the other girls. i only care about you."

"johnny, please. once you get there you'll realize there are other girls, better than me. don't make it harder then it has to be. we were together, we were happy. now you're starting a new chapter. just without me."

"no one will ever be better than you. mackenzie ziegler, i love you."

an act of pure passion escaped her as she leaned across the center console and kissed the green eyed boy.

as the kisses got longer, sweeter, and more meaningful, one thing became very clear.

she was in love with this boy.

but he could never know.

"goodbye john, i'll miss you."

"stop, mackenzie," his cheeks were bright red and tear stained.

she opened up her door and looked back him, "i'm sorry."

she got out of the car that was parked in front of her home and walked away, without even looking back.

she walked through her front door, passed her mother, through her bedroom, and to the window that had a view of the front of the house.

there it was. the black 2011 honda accord. the one she saw in her driveway everyday. but now it looked different, it made her heart ache even more. the car held the boy that she loved more than she'd ever loved any boy.

she stared at it as the boy inside cried against the steering wheel. she stared at it as he wiped his tears and slapped his face. she stared at it as he pulled out of her driveway.

she will miss that car. but she will miss the boy inside even more.

"i love you too," she whispered as the car drove out of her view.


wise words of abby
fucking shoot me you won't 😤

i luv u sm

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