01. the hallway

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girl you know i've known you forever


MACKENZIES HEART RATE QUICKENED as she shoved her book bag into her locker and grabbed her chemistry book and pencil pouch.
"heard about what?" she asked, afraid of the answer.

"wait what? you seriously don't know?" lexi asked, bewildered.

"ALEXIS! TELL ME!" she snapped at her friend.

"you and john?? dating??"

"the fuck are you talking about?" she asked in a hushed-tone.

mackenzie could not wrap her head around the situation. who in their right mind thought that john orlando and mackenzie ziegler were dating?

"what everyone else is! you and john orlando are dating! i even heard he's taking to you winter formal next month." lexi gaped.

mackenzies fluttered her light brown eyes open and closed, mocking the stupidity of lexi.
"did you not think to ask me? and who is saying this stuff! it's insanity!" she whisper-yelled.

"i honestly thought you were mad at me, i didn't think you wanted to talk to me!" she revealed.

"why would i be mad?"

"the whole joey thing..." lexi spoke like she was ashamed.

"lex, i love you! i think the thing going on with joey is extremely stupid and screams dumb bitch, but you are my best friend. i would tell you if me and john orlando, captain of the football, hockey, and baseball team started dating me." just as kenzie said this, lily chee, another girl in her grade, held her hand up as she walked passed the girls.

mackenzie ignored the high five but still caught the smirk lily gave her right before their eye contact broke.

"jesus christ, i just want to know who started these rumors. do you think it was someone in our grade? do you think it was john? why would john say stuff like tha-"

"aaannnd speak of the devil," lexi sang, as she looked down the hallway and saw john orlando approached them. he stopped right next to mackenzies locker and raised an eyebrow at lexi.

"we should talk," his low, husky voice whispered in mackenzies ear. shivers ran up her spine as she shook her head yes.

"i'll see you two love birds around," lexi giggles, as she broke away and walked towards me the science wing.


smexilexi and 14 others likedkenzisaurous y'all r so extrasmexilexi otp tho???dylpickle ^^^^^^^whorlandhoe ^ onion tomato pickle🥰

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smexilexi and 14 others liked
kenzisaurous y'all r so extra
smexilexi otp tho???
dylpickle ^^^^^^^
whorlandhoe ^ onion tomato pickle🥰

the wise words of abby
lexi is my favorite character no cap🥴🤗

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