14. the text

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there's a rumor going 'round about me and you


SHE LAYED IN BED FOR THE REST OF THE day. replaying their argument in her head over and over and over again. maybe it was wrong of her to assume johnny would hurt her. maybe she should have seen the signs. she kept herself guarded after her dad left, it wasn't easy to let people in. besides, did he really like her? or did he like being with someone? did he like the idea of her? no one actually likes her, she thought. who would fall in love with little old, boring mackenzie ziegler?

she let the tears stream down her face, as she thought about the memories they had made. not only the past week, but their whole friendship. it became clear to mackenzie that she had liked john long before this stupid rumor ever happened. she liked him before he knew her coffee order, before he kissed her, before he accused her of making it up.

it was john. it was always johnny.

the anger and intensity in his voice still gave her chills, everytime she thought of what he said. he sounded so upset, so angry, so hurt.

her phone 'binged' for the 10th time. each one she checked immediately, hoping it was johnny. but it was random notifications from snapchat, instagram, texts from her grandma, or apple news.

this text, this was different though.

"hello mackenzie," the random number said. "i am so sorry for what had happened. i want to make it up to you and your sister. i think about you and the mistakes i made. i was not able to contact you, due to not having your number, until now. i would love for you to meet me at altius at seven tomorrow, just you. love, dad."

mackenzie held her phone so close to her face, trying to make out every single word to make sure she was reading it right. she read it again and again and again. love, dad. love, dad. love, dad. it ended with each time. nothing changed. she wasn't making it up, it said love, dad. he wanted to see her. her father still loved her. he still wanted her to be his daughter.

'due to not having your number' stuck out in her head. she completely forgot her mom had changed their phone numbers shortly after he left. she changed maddies and hers and mackenzies. was this why? did she not want her father to contact them? was her mother the reason she never got a chance to see her father again?

mackenzie didn't respond to the text. she simply turned her phone off and tucked it under her pillow. after the night she had, her body was exhausted, though her mind was racing a million miles a minute. she just needed sleep.

she washed her face, brushed her teeth, and put on old pajamas. she turned off her lights and snuggled deep into her bed.

not long after, her mother cracked open the door and whispered a goodnight.

she pretended to be asleep and didn't respond.

wise words of abbythe only time i send streaks is when the guy i like leaves me on open and that's like once a week so i feel like he def knows bc who the hell sends streaks once a weekVOTE AND COMMENTbruh if this can get 30 votes TODAY, i'll post...

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wise words of abby
the only time i send streaks is when the guy i like leaves me on open and that's like once a week so i feel like he def knows bc who the hell sends streaks once a week
bruh if this can get 30 votes TODAY, i'll post chapter 15 too😎😎

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