20. the prince

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there's a rumor going 'round about me and you


THE WAY MADDIE STARED AT HER SISTER while doing her make up, made it seem like she wanted her dead. her eyes were practically slits and her mouth was tight.

mackenzie couldn't help but laugh.

"mackie! stop moving!" maddie yelled at her while trying to apply her fake eyelashes. maddie has always been the makeup one in the family. while mackenzie could barely be bothered to do mascara, maddie was doing perfecting bronzer and her eyebrows.

"sorry, you just look funny," she laughed again.

"you will too if you keep moving around!" maddie huffed in frustration.

once she finished, she turned mackenzies chair to face the mirror.

"oh my god! it looks amazing!" she jumped out of her chair and embraced her sister. "thank you so much."

"of course! you look amazing, i know you'll have fun," maddie sighed and took a second look at mackenzie.

"are you sure you don't want to go?" it was of course maddie's senior year.

"i'm sure. char and i have other plans."

"alright," she sighed. "i'm going to change into my dress now. johnny should be here any second!"

mackenzie walked into her closet and carefully stepped into her red dress. it was tight at the top, sculpting her figure perfectly. it was held up my thin straps that laid on her shoulders. at the bottom on her torso the red puffed out into a flowey skirt that ended right above her knees. she chose simple, black heels and added a few silver jewelry pieces.

"i think he's here!" maddie called from outside the closet, once she heard the doorbell ring.

she exited her closet and looked at herself in the full length mirror. she messed with her hair for only a second before taking a deep breath.

"take pictures please? moms not the best." mackenzie pleaded with her sister.

maddie smirked and took mackenzies phone from her.

the two walked down the stairs as john and melissa were still deep in conversation.

"hi, johnny," mackenzie whispered and she got closer to him.

he looked towards her and his mouth dropped open. "damn kenz," he said.

mackenzie gave him a look and he shook his head and looked at melissa nervously. "i mean dang. uh dang kenz. you look really good. really really good."

mackenzie giggled and grabbed johns hand. "you look amazing too, clean up real nicely."

after what felt like a million pictures, it was time for the kids to go to the dance. mackenzie was anticipating the prince and princess crowning. about a week ago, they announced the nominees. for boys it was carson leuders, lucas stadvec, will miller, and of course, john. the girls nominees were annie leblanc, tati mcquay, emily skinner, and lily chee. she was a little disappointed at first that she wasn't nominated, but the sad feelings had passed and now she was just excited to see john in a crown.

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