13. the rules

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stirring up our little town the last week or two


MACKENZIE WALKED OUT OF HER FRONT door and into lexis red jeep. lexi was smiling sheepishly at her for a moment, before mackenzie shot her a questioning look.


"i'm sorry. i messed up. i shouldn't have let that happen," lexi apologized.

"don't worry about it, it's not your fault." mackenzie half-heartedly forgave her. if she really was sorry, she would have apologized two weeks ago.

"so we're good for the mall right?" lexi asked.

"ya only for a little, my mom wants me home by 5." she lied. the truth is, she had plans with john, but didn't want her best friend to get mad.

"that's enough time i think, i just need to find a dress for a wedding."

"oo who's getting married?"

"uh, joeys aunt and uncle. he asked me to go." she stuttered.

mackenzies stomach twisted. the name of the devilish imp coming out of her friends mouth was disgusting.

"why are you still talking to him?" she questioned, acting a bit judgmental.

"we have history kay, you can't just drop history."

but you can drop assholes with no morals. she wanted to say, but instead goes for a simple "ya."

lexi found a nice baby pink wrap dress from brandy and mackenzie bought a couple of small jewelry pieces, before the girls piled back into lexis jeep and headed back for her house.

"thanks for taking me, i had fun."

"of course girl, love you," lexi smiled.

"love ya," she jumped out of the car and ran back into her house.

as she approached the front door, she could hear her mother yelling at someone. mackenzie carefully put her ear against the door, "no! i will not stand for it!" she heard.

it was pretty evident she was on the phone, so mackenzie planned on simply opening up the door and running upstairs, leaving her mom alone.

as soon as she stepped inside the beautifully furnished home, her mom hung up the phone and cursed under her breath.

"what's wrong, mom?" mackenzie winced.

"nothing baby, just someone from work," her mother said in a hushed tone, clearly annoyed.

"do you want to talk about it?"

"no, it's ok, go on upstairs," melissa smiled weakly.

she nodded her head and took her bookbag up into her room.

"heyo," a voice sang as soon as she opened her door.

"jesus christ man," she shouted, "you pull that shit on me! i'm way too jumpy!"

john doubled over in laughed and fell onto her bed.

"how long have you been in here for?" mackenzie asked, worried about how late she was.

"5 minutes? if even that," he smirked. "luckily enough time to go through every drawer."

"you asshole!" she scoffed at him.

"i'm just playing with you, damn mackie."

"nuh uh, off limits, jayjay."

"if i can't call you mackie there is no way in hell you're calling me jayjay." he said his nickname with a disgusted face.

"ok deal. but i do need a nickname for you," she agreed.

"well if i call you kenz, you can call me..." he paused as he thought of a name.

her stomach did a flip. the word kenz coming off of his tongue would never get old.

"johnny! that's cute and fun and suits you really well!" she said with a proud look.

he nodded. "ok kenz, you can call me johnny."

she tried to laugh off a blush. "what are your plans for tonight anyways?"

"surprise," he winked, stood up and walked closer to her.

as he got closer he grabbed her waist and pulled it into his. their faces were only inches apart, when he began to relentlessly tickle her. she fell onto the bed and could barely catch her breathe. he pinned her down, holding her shoulders down with his hands, panting overtop of her. soon his breathing slowed down, but her heart rate picked up. their faces were inching together.

"we should make a list of rules!" she blurted, ruining the intensity of the moment.

"what do you mean?" he asked, letting go of her and stepping back.

"if we're fake dating, we need to set up boundaries so neither of us get the idea that we might real date," she softly said with a smile.

johns face fell, the rosiness of his cheeks disappeared, mackenzie noticed.

"ya, ya you're right. we don't want anything like that happening," he said coldly, almost sounding bitter.

"rule one, you can't mess with me..." she hesitated, "like this."

"like what?" he questioned her, clearly getting defensive.

"no one is around. we don't need to act like a couple. it gives me mixed signals. i get confused. i know it's fake so just stop confusing me."

"everything is always about you, huh?" he snorts, rolling his eyes at her.

her heart pangs, "what is that supposed to mean?"

"i don't know mackenzie! did you think for maybe a second that maybe i'm not trying to hurt you? that maybe i actually do like you? no. you didn't, because you are always the victim. poor me poor me. guess what, other people exist and they're not always out to get you!" he grabbed his jacket that was sprawled across her bed, and stomped out of her room.

she stood there, completely still. not knowing how to react to the turn of events.

"mackie?" melissa slowly opened her door and walked in, minutes later.

mackenzie didn't move. her legs locked as her mind entered shock. she had just lost something that was so so good. she lost it because she was selfish and scared.

wise words of abby
they gon' hate me regardless
that's why i do what i do

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