Chapter - 26

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"Malhaar you're overreacting. Listen to me please", I calmly said. "Overreacting. Okay then tell me. What should I do, huh? It's not a matter of a few days Darshan but it has been so long since you are not giving me time. All you worry about is your photoshots and photo editing and all. And what's the reason now? Why are you cancelling the trip?", she asked. I felt guilty. I know that I wasn't able to give her the proper time but I was doing my best. "I have an important photoshoot", I confessed and hung my head low. "Huh, wow", she commented. "I'm sorry Malhaar. I really am. It's a matter of just a few more days. Once Photo Bhooth is over, I promise I'll fix everything. Trust me. Then we'll definitely go on a vacation", I assured. "No Darshan, I'm sorry. I can't do this anymore", she said and softly shook her head and started leaving. "Malhaar", I said and stopped her by holding her hand. "I know that we haven't spent a lot of time in last few days but it's not like we haven't spent at all. You are overreacting Malhaar. Be practical and think with a calmer mind. It's my work. I'm doing all this for us. Our future", I said. I tried my best to stay calm but by now, my mind boiled up and I started losing control. "Work? You call it work? I have tolerated a lot, but now, I can't. At first I had thought that you yourself will understand that what you want with your life isn't practical but you don't want to", she said. Every single word which left her mouth pierced my heart and left deeper scars. "I thought you respect my work. Trust me, I didn't expect this coming from you", I said with tears in my eyes. "Oh please, stop this now. You were talking about our future, right? Have you ever thought what your future is? How can you even think that photography will give you a life people can die for? If you stick to what you do, you don't have a future Darshan. That day is not far when you'll have to sell you goddamn camera to fill your own stomach", she said. Everything was okay, I could take everything what she said, but only till the last line. Her last line did something to me, it broke my heart and made me start hating her at the moment. "Photography is a hoby Darshan, not a career. First think about your future, then think about us", she said and left heartlessly throwing the ring, which I gave her on her birthday, on the floor. I saw her going away and with her each step towards the exit, my heart broke into smaller pieces and some where my feelings for her started fading away. I had a lot of respect for her but when she disrespected my work, she lost respect in my eyes. I saw her going away untill she was completely out of sight. No matter how much she disrespected my work, I had already started missing her because after all, I loved her.
(flashback ends)
"She went away at the moment I needed her the most. I needed her love, and most importantly, I needed her support and she left me only with her memories or I would say our memories which were so sweet that no matter how hard I try to forget her, they made me fall in love with her even more, but I had decided that she'll always be my strength. When she was with me, she always loved me and encouraged to do better everyday, I always pushed myself for her, I wanted to make her happy and now, when she's not with me, she'll still remain my strength. With each passing day, I'll work even harder to show her that she was wrong, to make her realise her that she made a mistake", I narrated everything to Mohit and both of us ended in tears.

(Ahhhh! This is what happens when I have already written extra.. I always end up posting the whole of it at once 😂)

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