Fire (Chapter Four)

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It took a couple moments for Ivy to realize that the building was on fire.

First she took a couple minutes just sniffing around, and then taking once glance out the window she'd seen a smoke cloud just outside her window.

Coming from the floor below.

Ivy would've liked to say she had snapped into action, but she just stumbled out of the flat and then down the hall.

She only really noticed what she was doing when the smoke became so thick she began to cough. Ducking into another open flat, it took her a couple seconds to find a scarf to soak before she was back out- knowing it was too high to jump, and that she needed a way out.

I'll be back. That was what she told Hunter.

Adrenaline was pumping through her veins now, Ivy repeating 'I will be back' in her mind over and over again as she flew down the stairs.

She was on the second floor, her heart beating faster than it ever had before as she ducked flames that seemed to reach out to her. Stumbling over a piece of debris, she paused a moment to catch a breath. Or more like to try and get some oxygen in her lungs as she battled the overwhelming smoke.

It was so thick on this floor, Ivy was sure that most of the fire was on this floor. She was close to the stairs, and was about to drop to her hands and knees and crawl her way out- when she heard a cry.

A cry of a little girl.

She didn't hesitate as she turned, crouching low as she ducked into the room the cry had come from. Sitting in the middle of the room was a little girl, her tiny pigtails and little dress covered in soot.

"Sweetie-" She coughed. "Sw-sweetie. We need to get out. Come on." She spoke softly, her voice shaking a little as she edged forward with her hand held out for the little girl.

The girl raised her hand- hands. Tying the scarf around her mouth, Ivy reached out- assuming the girl wanted to be picked up.

But then something yellow, orange and red shot from her hands. Without having to think about it, Ivy hit the ground.

She was rolling out of the way as the girl  waved her arms around, the liquid fire setting the room more aflame.

Ivy could take one look at her from the ground and tell she didn't mean to set the house on fire. She was scared, panicked.

But how was she shooting liquid flames from her hands?

"Hello?" A voice called from the hall, pushing and shoving his way into the room.

Ivy was about to call back a response when part of the ceiling caved in. She rolled again, this time ending up crouched behind the little girl.

The boy made it into the room, and his eyes narrowed at the girl. He reacted to her how Ivy did, holding his hands out to her.

The girl shot at him too, crying as she did.

"Watch out!" Ivy managed to cough out, lunging forward to try and get the girl in a hold as the boy lunged out of the way of the liquid flames that were already shooting from the girls hands.

But Ivy missed, her fingertips brushing against the little girl for only a couple seconds as the girl scrambled out of the way- towards the boy.

Before she reached him she started screaming, and it sounded as if she was in pain as she swung her arms around furiously- writhing as she kept rushing forwards towards the boy.

He held up his hands, and Ivy couldn't help but let her mouth drop open as light burst from his hands.

The light hit the girl, who stumbled back before collapsing to the floor. The second she hit the ground reality sunk in and Ivy rushed forward, yelping as another part of the flaming ceiling dropped where she'd been standing two seconds earlier.

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