Something Else (Chapter Sixteen)

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"I swear, if he gave me wrong directions and nothing's here. I'm going to murder that kid." Drake snarled to himself as he stumbled over another fallen log.

He'd pressed Hunter to give him exact directions, and then set off- just as some Coates kid was filling his container with wet cement.

He'd been crying, and just listening to it made Drake a bit happier.

All of the other freaks had grown to learn to be silent whenever Drake was around, so they didn't cry or beg anymore.

Checking his watch again, Drake noted that half an hour had past.

Checking around him, he cursed out loud. According to Hunter's description- he should've already reached a house or something.

Poor Hunter had been broken down by Drake, long enough that he'd assumed he didn't have the wits to lie.

"Don't hurt them, please don't hurt them." He'd been blubbering as Drake walked away.

Oh, I won't hurt them all right.. Drake thought bitterly as he kept walking forward, wondering why exactly Drake had been stuck with this job.

But of course it was Drake, Drake was the filth under someones boot compared to Caine.

"There's nothing here-" Drake started growling to himself, freezing when he finally spotted something besides trees and the occasional squirrel.

A house.

"So that cry baby wasn't lying." Drake muttered grimly as he considered exactly how to go about this.

It couldn't be that dangerous. Just some girl. Maybe there'd be more than one person, but they'd still be just kids.

Drake could handle kids.

Drake could kill kids.

Deciding to just walk straight up and knock on the front door- Drake broke the tree line and sped walked up the drive.

Standing in front of the door, Drake pasted on his usual cold look before he knocked on the door.

The background noise of children that you could hear from outside instantly stopped, and Drake strained to hear the scrambling of feet.

A minute passed and no one answered. Drake knocked again.

So how long do I last before I knocked down the door? Drake thought, smirking at the thought as he kept waiting.

Another minute past, and Drake knocked again- now getting annoyed.

Little pig little pig, let me in.. He thought, chuckling at his dark thoughts.

Another minute past, and Drake didn't knock again.

He squared himself, readying himself as he prepared to just knock the door open.

Drake was about to lunge, ready for the impact when the door swung open- and Drake just barely caught himself from barreling into the person standing in the door frame.

A foot lashed out, and before Drake could react he was on his back- his shoulder burning.

"Trying to burst down the door?"

Drake's eyes flickered open and he stared up at the girl that stared down at him.

Her dark hair framed her pale face, her almost black dark brown eyes boring into his with a emotionless look.

If Diana or Caine would be there, they'd be as frozen as Drake was- more shocked by his starstruck expression than the scary looking girl with the rifle.

Like the Darkness, but not the Darkness (A Gone series fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now