His Dark World (Chapter Seventeen)

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Drake wrestled with his thoughts the whole walk back to Perdido Beach, his mind going a million miles an hour.

She had made him smile.

She had made him laugh.

She had made him feel light, and happy.

She had made him, not be him.

What the hell is going on? He growled in his own mind- realizing that his sadistic personality had come back once he'd left her presence.

But he still felt, different.


"Holy shit." Drake growled, grabbing at his own head as he jogged past Coates academy, making his way over the highway that split the two areas.

Now he felt like he was sliding back into his angry, cruel self- like a person turning into werewolf.

Turning into a bloodthirsty monster.

Soon enough he was going up the stairs of town hall, and then he bursting into the Mayor's office- not bothering to knock as he slammed the door behind him.

He didn't as much as look at the expectant looking Caine or the curious looking Diana as he crossed the room and slumped down on the couch.

He'd just burst into the room, he didn't think through at all what he was going to say to Caine.


Because he didn't want to give himself a second to consider covering for this girl.

"It was just a house." Drake started, not even believing himself as he started lying. "Just a huge empty house, filled with food and even some firearms."

Food and firearms, that was truth enough. There were food and firearms there, and it would make the house seem important enough for Hunter to do what he did.

Just leaving out the people in it, Caine didn't need to know about the people.

"Alright then, Drake. We'll make sure to check more into that later. Onto something more important, Quinn just reported of some times Sam has used his power. Him and Astrid are going grocery shopping now, so you guys will go and round them up. Meet me at the school gym." Caine ordered, looking up expectantly before Diana rolled her eyes and started out of the room.

It took Drake a couple more seconds to drag himself out of the chair, stalking after Diana.

It didn't take him long to catch up, and they walked in silence for the most part.

Drake was surprised, having expected a snarky and bitter conversation. But glancing ahead, they were just under a minutes walk to the supermarket where everything was being held- it looked as if Drake would get out of this without being downgraded by Diana.

"Oh Drake-y, could we have a little conversation before we go find Sam?"

Drake snarled under his breath, turning to stare down at Diana- who just kept talking in her same sarcastic voice.

"Listen, you can feed Caine as much shit as you want- but I'm not taking that bull. An empty house? Puh-lease." Diana hissed, not flinching under Drake's gaze.

Just like Ivy.

"What the hell was that? You're eyes, you're eyes got soft for a second!" Diana exclaimed, looking confused, shocked and suspicious all at the same time.

Then she seemed to notice the situation, and took advantage of it as only Diana could.

"You could even say, they looked dreamy.." Diana drawled, smirking deviously as Drake kept his face as expressionless as a rock- fishing for a rebuttal.

Like the Darkness, but not the Darkness (A Gone series fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now