Wake Me Up (Chapter Twenty Eight)

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Ivy wasn't quite sure what was happening. The world around her was all, just weird really. Her head and the rest of her body felt like it was filled with freezing cold water, weighing her down and making her numb. The water affect was almost taking place in her ears, as all noise coming through was muffled. It wasn't painful, but it wasn't peaceful. 

It was just, null.

The last thing she remembered was Caine looming over her- both of them jerking their hands up. She had been so ready to suffocate him in her smoke, make him beg for mercy, and oh so passionately regret touching her brother. The same way he was ready to take his revenge for the damage she'd done to Diana.

Then there had been a pause. Only a millisecond's worth of them glaring at each other. Followed with a crack, and an unbelievable pain.

And then, nothing.

Presently, she was pretty sure she was walking. That allow took her nearly brain dead self a while to figure out. Just to be able to register that her body was in motion, was a strenuous task. But no, she coudn't be walking by herself. She had to have been being carried.

By a firm arm. It clung to her, holding her close. As if the one holding her had more reason to be clinging to her as if their life depended on it.

Who's arm? Ivy wondered, not really being that interested as she slowly opened her eyes.

It was dark, with shadows dancing around at the edges of her vision- but she did see the back that she was positioned over. She shifted slightly, silently whining in pain as she registered the shoulder she was slung over. Her eyes lazily focused on that back, seeing blood that was dripping down his back.

Was he hurt? Where had all this blood came from?

Very she turned her head, stopping at the side of the head- studying as much of the face as she could see from her angle.

Oh, it's Drake.

Drunkenly her eyes passed over his worried, gaunt face and went down his other arm- only to see that it wasn't really an arm. In the darkness it was hard to make out, but the arm definitely wasn't normal. It was mangled, a different shape entirely. Maybe it was her vision, or her mental state, but it looked like the arm just stopped two feet before it should have.

Ivy could both make out and smell the blood, that clung to him. It was more than the blood she could see, and it awoke a more concerned and considerate part of her.

Huh, she thought, looking back to the other arm- the perfectly healthy one.

Ivy noticed something else about the good arm, the one that was holding her tight to his shoulder. In the hand, was a gun.

And the gun was pointed towards someone's back- a girl's.

The girl was familiar, and Ivy was sure she'd know her if she could actually see her. Maybe she should ask a question, if she had the energy to open her mouth-

Suddenly she rocked violently forward, her hands weakly clinging to her carrier as he quickly regained his balance. Ivy listened as he swore about not being able to see any of the rocks, and realized that she should walk herself. Make it easier for Drake, wherever they were going.

She managed to get out of his grip. Mostly because her sudden movement surprised Drake, loosening his hold for a moment. But as soon as she was supporting her own weight she realized she couldn't. Drake's hand instantly dropped his gun, and Ivy could hear him wincing as he steadied her.

"Don't worry Ivy, everything's going to be ok." He whispered, his voice steady and strong. Not saying another word, he reached down and plucked his gun back up from the ground, before going to lead Ivy on. This time he was clutching her to his side, half carrying and half leading her. She glanced up at him, confused at his content smile.

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