A First Encounter (Chapter Twenty Three)

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Ivy cut through the bushes, crouching as she eyed the scene in front of her.

There was Sam-

Ivy's hand went to her mouth, gasping at the sight of a demented merry-go-round from hell. The gazebo, the kids, the concrete-

It was almost to much to process.

But she was already thinking, making a plan as her eyes flitted over all of the faces she saw.

Sam and his group, panicking as all of them had there hands deep in dried concrete. Leering at them from above was the person Ivy could only suppose was Caine, and a girl.

Her mind was making some precise plans, knowing Ivy wouldn't win if she just rushed in. She needed to be the soldiers daughter that she was if she wanted-

Ivy's eyes found her brother.

His hands were plastered, and he was limp- standing a foot or so behind Caine. He might as well be dead, his corpse forgotten in Caine's shadow.

Without thinking Ivy stood, rushing forward.

At first no one noticed her, but then she loaded her gun- and one shot was fired into the air.

All at once all eyes snapped to Ivy, and she didn't hesitate as she kept forward- her rifle loaded and pointed.

"Who the hell is this?" The one Ivy supposed was Caine asked, looking shocked and slightly scared.

It just powered Ivy on, her eyes flaring in anger. She was on a war path, every step she took taking her closer to someone's doom.

Blamblamblam. The three guards who'd be watching her, panicked and not knowing what to do- staggered to the ground, there hands clutching near where'd the tranqulizer Ivy'd shot had made contact. It was really last second she'd switched out the real bullets, but she knew that either way she wouldn't have regretted anything.

Caine looked startled, frozen in thought as Ivy stalked closer. She barely heard Sam calling at her, warning her about something that Ivy really didn't care about. Her vision was red and all she could see was this monster, looming over her fallen brother.

Ivy was only a couple feet away, hefting the rifle over her head and preparing to nail Caine in the face with the butt.

But then the rifle was gone.

It shot out of her hands, flying directly upwards and then landing at least fifty feet away.

Ivy glanced up with wide eyes, wondering-

"No! Ivy-" Sam started getting cut off as Ivy screamed, kicking wildy as invisible hands lifted her high up into the air by her waist. Her mind was whirling, her eyes frantic as she tried to piece together exactly what was happening and exactly how she could escape it.

"And who," Caine repeated in a growl, his hands up in the air. "Are you?"

Ivy didn't answer, she was still processing how she was up in the air- still thrashing in attempt of release. Her natural instincts were kicking in, and she couldn't do anything but try every attempt of escape that she could.

"She's no one Caine."

Caine's eyes darted from Ivy, focusing on Sam.

"Oh, No One? What a nice name. Now why is she here?" Caine asked, smiling deviously at Sam as he asked. He must have thought he was so clever, that he definitely had the upper hand.

"Like I said, no one. Now just let her go-"

Suddenly a hand was wrapped tightly around Ivy's thought. She made a loud choking sound, her own hands going around her throat as she felt for hands that weren't there. There was nothing she could pry away, no person she could strategically kick.

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