Revenge (Chapter Twenty Five)

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"Ok, so Caine knows about you now. Which means you're not a surprise." Sam said in a disappointed but thoughtful voice, Ivy not responding at all- only staring at the kids that sat wearily on the steps of town hall.

Astrid was talking to the Coates kids, Edilio was off learning how to drive for some reason that Ivy overheard, Quinn was just gone and Lana was sleeping.

Sam hadn't given Ivy orders yet. He hadn't told her who she should kill, or how she should do it.

"What do you want me to do Sam? How do you what me to use my special skill? Could you please just tell me that." Ivy said in a soft voice, not wanting to just stand around and do nothing.

She'd been dragged into this battle- the least she could do was actually fight.

Sam sighed, looking up at Ivy with tired eyes.

"You have guns, at your house." He said, a simple statement instead of a question.

Ivy only nodded.

"I want you to go and get them and bring them back here. Edilio's also getting weapons, but it's more about having them somewhere safe- where we can use them and other's can't. Our people without powers need some way to protect themselves. Protect the children."

Ivy was silent, thinking it over.

He was asking her to give kids guns.

Guns that you needed several years of training and an I.D to use.

"Ok, I'm going. I'm not taking anyone with me, and I'll take a car back." Ivy said stiffly, not waiting for Sam's dismissal as she turned on heel and left- only pausing a moment to tell Hunter where she was going, as the rest of her siblings were already at the daycare.

But then she was moving, through the unfamiliar town as she started her way back home- running by the time she was nearing the highway.

She'd go directly home, but then she'd have to come directly back.

Oh, she'd give anything to just be able to lock herself inside that house forever.

But would she really give anything? Now that she was learning that this was the home she was ultimately tortured and experimented on- which she never he knew about. She just wasn't sure anymore.

She found her pace slowing- until she was standing, her house not yet quite in view, but Coates in sight if she glanced over her shoulder.

Ivy couldn't find the heart to go back into the house- and instead started dragging her feet, which suddenly felt like lead, through the forest and towards the shed.

The shed was all she needed. That small rectangle made of rusty metal, which held weapons of murder of all sorts inside.

With every step closer to the shed, she took a step closer to the mine shaft- and she felt the air around her get thicker, like a thick hypnotising mist.

It made her wary, and it really was just an evil feeling. Something she'd felt before, but not as strongly.

Clearing a hill, Ivy could see the shed-

Someone was trying to open the shed.

It was downhill, and Ivy backpedaled, hoping to get out of sight- but to no avail, she tripped forward.

The person turned, his hands in the air as Ivy scrambled to her own feet- her hands high up as well.

But Caine was quicker to the draw, his smile cruel as he plucked Ivy up from the ground and brought her wheeling forward.

The second she would've reached him he let go of her- making her crash to the ground in front of him.

"Funny to see you back here." Caine hissed, circling above her and shoving her back to the ground when she tried to get up. Ivy's mind was panicking, not sure what to do as she gripped the loose ground between her fingers.

Her gloved fingers.

In a second she could take them off, kill him-

"What did you do to Diana?" He asked bluntly, bringing his hands up and sending Ivy to her feet. Roughly he twisted his hands in the air, and Ivy's hands were held firmly behind her, pointing away from Caine. Immediately she tried to bring them in front of her, but they wouldn't budge from the invisible grasp.

"What did you do to Diana?" He repeated, growling only an inch away from Ivy's face.

"It's just pain- she'll heal-" Ivy gasped as the grip tightened, Caine looking down at her with hard, cold eyes.

"Her eyes are black and she hasn't stop crying-"

"Because she's weak." Ivy spat in his face, making his anger only intensify as he stepped back, swinging his hands up in the air.

"You know we're using that house over the hill- it's yours isn't it? Your Hunter's sister, and you have other siblings too. I saw a little girls room, a baby cradle-"

"You won't touch them." Ivy rasped, trying to get to her feet from the bottom of the tree that Caine had sent her flying into. Her whole body was feeling weak from the sudden impact, her vision swimming as she scrambled to her feet.

"And why shouldn't?!" He shrieked, throwing her into another tree with more force. The pain was so much it was blinding, and Ivy heard a deafening crack. Her insides were weak, and suddenly she felt like barfing and screaming at the same time.

"You hurt my Diana! Why shouldn't I hurt who you love?!"

Ivy braced herself as she was brought into the air again, her cheeks wet with tears as Caine flew her close to him- making her stop so abruptly that her broken arm flailed, wracking more pain through her.

Looking up at Caine and choking back her sobs- she found he looked deadly calm, looking down at her with a curious look.

"And maybe I should just hurt you?" He said, so softly that she would've preferred if he'd screamed.

Caine was silent, flexing his hands once and making his grasp on Ivy disappear. She fell to the ground, screaming at the drop of only a foot, and screaming again once Caine stepped onto her chest.

The pain of the bruises, and of the breaks- it was more painful than anything Ivy'd ever experienced. It was pure torture. It was-

Exactly what she could do.

Exactly what she had promised to do to the boy that had hurt her brother.

Without thinking Ivy tore off a glove and held the hand on her good arm up in one smooth move- holding it directly in Caine's face. Her hands flexed and her eyes flared-

He panicked, jumping backwards and making wild hand gestures.

There was a crack, so loud that Ivy knew from the noise and not just the pain that it was just under her ears.

She tried to scream, but she couldn't.

The darkness she'd started to call circled around her, as a different darkness took away her consciousness.

Everything was black, and Ivy was dying.

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