Struggle (Chapter Twenty Nine)

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The darkness of the cave got darker, if that was possible, once Drake left.

Ivy couldn't move, she felt so weak. The invisible monster was draining her of everything. Lying down on the hard rock that dug into her back- Ivy only found the strength to groan, though she wasn't pained any more.

Her jaw was fixed. For five minutes of unbelievable pain- she had a jaw again.

"Weak, so weak." Ivy said, her eyes flickering for a moment as the Darkness went in and out of her in one quick move. It made Ivy felt like she was empty, as brittle as an egg shell as the Darkness possessed her and then left her just to convey those simple little taunts.

"We'll fix that, yes we will.." She said again, almost barfing as it mentally smacked her.

Oh God.. Ivy thought, squeezing her eyes shut and trying to fight the ideas that came to exactly what it was going to fix. Very slowly Ivy's panic level had started to rise, her breathing getting heavier and her body squirming and writhing more frantically as she longed more and more for escape.

She tried to scream and flee in terror, but her slow and jerky movements were all she could manage. Her hands flexed at her sides, and she arched her back- her mouth opened wide but no sound coming out.

Something caught Ivy's eye. Something down by her ha-

By her hands.

She strained to bring her head forward, becoming silent as she stared at the tendrils of smoke that looked like they were leaking out of her hands. Ivy focused on those hands of hers, focusing on opening the drip into a torrent of smoke.

She had no idea what use it would have, but she let everything she had loose inside the cave.

In a matter of ten seconds smoke was twisting into every corner, rising to the ceiling and expanding- always expanding with hands that could reach into your soul and crush your heart like a bug. The room filled with a swooshing sound, and Ivy swore she could hear shrieking- high and so soft that it was almost just a whistle.

The Darkness was angry. It didn't have a body to be hurt- but it was angry. It couldn't see, with a different kind of mist that wasn't it's own invaded it's cave.

Suddenly a large portion of smoke near by was swept off, like an invisible wing had flapped through it. The smoke, Ivy could swore it screamed in pain as it rushed back in to fill the clear space of air.

Two invisible forces, fighting the other to no use.

Suddenly it was like a hand was lifted off Ivy- so suddenly she wouldn't fallen upward onto her feet if that was possible. But instead she just scrambled to her knees, carefully but as quickly as she could she began crawling. She didn't know if it was in the right direction, she couldn't see a foot in front of her face.

But she knew what a chance at escape was when she saw it.

A wall appeared so fast Ivy nearly bumped her head into it, and thinking on her toes she stuck to the wall- panicking as she frantically followed it. It had to lead to an exit, all walls eventally led to an exit.

With no other sound besides the sound of air being swept around, her smoke continued to fight the Darkness. It continued to shield her, and cause it's disasters so she could escape. Because somehow it was a part of her, and it wanted to be free too.


Ivy froze for a moment, feeling the Darkness get physical as the walls rumbled and a rock fell from the ceiling, landing not but a couple feet away from Ivy's head. With that in mind she doubled her speed, tears of fear stinging her eyes as she moved- the sounds getting closer with every move she made.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2013 ⏰

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