Worse (Chapter Twenty Two)

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Ivy could only watch through the clear glass of the window, as Sam and his group walked away along the road.

Halfway down the road Lana got to her feet, now wobbling down the road along with the others.

Ivy pressed her forehead against the window, just looking at the distant shaking figure of the girl was making her feel sick.

But she hadn't killed her. She didn't know if she'd stay alive, but she was alive for now.

That was the only thing Ivy really cared about.

Breaking her hypnotized state, Ivy stumbled backwards- making her way down the hallways like a zombie. She shuffled her sock clad feet against the carpet, not thinking about Sam or Caine or Hunter or anything. Ivy was brain dead, content on just crawling up the stairs and collapsing in her bed.

Instead of crumbling around her, her world was just slowly evaporating. Fading. Creasing to exist.

Zap! Ivy jumped as she had started to slowly turn her room's door knob, shaking her hand as the static shock ripped through her.

It was a wake up call she'd desperately needed.

Before five seconds could pass Ivy had flown down the stairs, and had crashed into the front door- not sure of her plan, but her sudden frenzy to get out breaking as a scream echoed from the other side of the door.

Ivy backed up, watching as a confused looking Kim tried for a second time to get in the house- making it in now that it hadn't been slammed against her. She raised an eyebrow at Ivy, ushering Alice into the house before she went back to push the stroller through the door that Ivy know held open.

"What's wrong with you? You look like you just had to fight off a ghost." Kim asked warily, parking the stroller inside the closet with one hand after she took out the baby with the other.

"It's Hunter." Ivy burst out, speaking before she could lie- not giving herself a second to think of a lie to plant inside Kim's head.

"What about Hunter?" Kim asked slowly, a concerned look slowly passing over her face- her eyes boring into Ivy's.

"He's at Coates academy. Caine has taken him into Coates academy. Sam says he was taken from his house and is at Coates academy."

Kim raised her eyebrow again at Ivy's rambling. She was halfway between unbelieving and confused. "What do you mean?" Kim asked, giving a tiny smirk at how worked up her sister seemed to be.

"Kim, listen. He was taken. This kid is a psychopath, Hunter was kidnapped-"

"By a kid?" Kim mused, still sounding amused by Ivy's story. It all sounded a little too intense to be real to Kim.

"Yes Kim. By a kid. Hunter is under someones hold-"

"Ivy- Ivy stop!" Kim suddenly shouted, a confused and hurt look crossing her face as she raised her hands for silence. "I know we can't do anything about it right now- but you n-need help." She stuttered, looking more at her feet than Ivy as she spoke.

Because she was afraid of Ivy. Afraid of the problems she thought Ivy had.

For a moment Ivy could only stare down at her sister, her heart slowly beating and her brain slowly processing.

"What? I don't- I don't need help!" Ivy started, shouting once she restarted her second sentence. In her sudden shock she stepped forward, a hand out and reaching for her sister.

Kim jerked backwards, not stopping moving backwards until she was out of arms reach once again.

"Kimmy! Stop it! I don't have any problems!" Ivy shrieked, her voice filled with desperation as she took another step forward, watching  with unbelieving eyes as Kim stepped back again- tears brimming the younger girl's eyes.

"P-please stop it. You're going to scare Allie!" Kim pleaded, her voice shaking.

Ivy's narrowed eyes snapped across the room, not stopping until they found Alice.

From across the room, the little girl looked back- cleary confused and looking overwhelmed. She had her hands clapsed together, and was wringing them as she watched one of her sisters shriek at the other.


No, I can't lose them too.

Ivy's morbid and sad thoughts took over her, and soon she was openly crying- her gaze still gazing sadly at Kim and then Allie- back and forth, back and forth.

"Oh, Ivy-" Kim started, her fear seemingly just vanishing as she took a step towards Ivy with hands wide open.

Now it was Ivy's turn to gaze at the flesh of Kim's hand, shrieking as she took a step back.

"Don't touch me!" She screamed, sounding feverish and not stopping as she kept edging backwards. "Don't hurt-"

"I wasn't going to hurt you!" Kim screamed over Ivy, her hands clenching into fists at her sides. An anger Ivy had never seen before spread on Kim's face. "I was never going to hurt you! Why can't you just talk to me!"

Ivy didn't speak, trying to get her crying in check but not being able to.

"I meant, don't hurt yourself." She managed to wheeze between sobs, not taking a second to watch Kim's face go from anger to confusion to anger again as Ivy started moving, out the front door.

Anywhere but where she could hurt someone- someone she loved that is.

In that moment she was set on getting out, and saving a person she loved instead of killing them. But don't be confused by that sentence, she very much knew she was going to kill someone. She very much understood that she was going to tear a good person out of the sick, evil person's (a person she didn't know, and didn't intend too) cold, dead hands.

She would do good, even if it made her bad in the process.

No, not bad.


By comparison, she was not the worse. She was one of the skilled, but not the worse in nature. At the moment it seemed like it was the only thing she could do, do good by ending bad.

Until it was all gone, and she was the worse.

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