Wide Awake (Chapter Thirteen)

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Their walk back was, oddly, enjoyable.

Hunter found that Sam could make a great friend.

On the walk they'd gotten to know each other, talking about each others pasts and backgrounds- and then just joking around.

Hunter found Sam was really funny, and by the way they were halfway home- Hunter found himself looking up to Sam.

He was Sam the Hero, School Bus Sam.

People looking on would find it a bit creepy, how expectant and full of admiration Hunter's eyes were as he watched Sam.

Thankfully he didn't notice or question it- just keeping on with his talking.

Eventually their talk got a little deeper.

For some reason Sam started talking to Hunter about a girl- Astrid.

"So, I like her. I admire her, and just want to be with her. But at the same time, I'm always thinking of this other girl. It's like the thought of her is just always haunting me. It's not a good thing, but it's not a bad thing." Sam mumbled, peering forward into the darkening path.

"Well, I think I know Astrid. Astrid the Genius right?" Hunter asked, with Sam nodding in response.

"Cool, well she's very pretty- and seems really smart, well, obviously." Hunter added, snorting at his stupid observation.

Sam laughed as well, and Hunter felt his pride swell.

"But who's this other girl?" Hunter asked, cocking his head slightly as he looked at Sam.

His face was mostly in shadows, but Hunter could make out his mouth opening as if to respond, and then clamping shut.

"You wouldn't know her. She, uh, poofed." Sam stumbled over his words in an embarrassed tone.

Hunter raised an eyebrow, managing to make a sincere sounding apology through his skepticism. But then they dropped the topic, with Hunter knowing Sam wouldn't want to say anymore- but not believing his "she poofed" story.

Though it was reasonable enough, since he could easily know someone fifteen or older.

"So, you sure you're ok? For a place to stay?" Sam asked for the umpteenth time, both of them stopping as they were now outside the firehouse.

Rolling his eyes, Hunter gave the same answer he had at least three times. "Yes Sam, I'm staying with Zil and Harry at Zil's place. I really only just met them, but they're cool."

"Alright. Well, if you need a place- we'd be glad to make you a firefighter." Sam hinted, grinning coyly as he spoke.

Hunter just nodded in response, opening his mouth to say goodbye when a different voice called out from the front door of the firehouse.

"Sam! Is this you? Where the hell did you go?!" Quinn called, only his silhouette visible from the light that was pouring in behind him from the inside of the firehouse.

"Don't worry, I'll tell them we just went for a walk- to talk." Sam said in a quiet voice- calling over his shoulder for him to be safe as he jogged up into the house.

He was already lying to Quinn in a casual voice as he walked through the doorway, slamming the door behind him.

Smirking to himself, Hunter started for home- happy on making yet another friend.

It'd been amazing when he could meet and become so close with Harry and Zil- now meeting Sam seemed like a miracle.

His first three friends, all made in three days.

Humming happily to himself, Hunter made no effort of hiding as he walked down the street- his mind wandering.

Then there was a crash behind him, and Hunter nearly combusted.

Turning around with his hands automatically going up, Hunter found himself looking at a little boy- darting away from the garbage can he'd knocked over like a rat scurrying away when it's cover's been blown.

Sighing in relief as he put his hand over his wildly beating heart- Hunter started a faster pace home.

Drake, Drake had popped into his mind when he'd heard the crash.

Had he really expected him to be running at him out of the darkness? Even if he was creepy, Hunter didn't think his reaction was being reasonable.

I'm going crazy... Hunter thought, smirking to himself as he mocked himself inside his head.

With each step he became more confident, his nerves leaving him as he became more and more sure of himself.

Finally he was in front of Zil's home, quickly and quietly slipping in through the front door.

Noticing no lights were on, Hunter decided maybe the boys were sleeping- even though it was only nine o'clock and there were no parents to enforce the bedtimes.

He winced every time the floor creaked, really praying that they wouldn't get mad if he accidentally woke them up or something.

Hunter found that he was frequently trying way to hard to impress them, always avoiding any reason they'd want to kick him out.

Or hate him.

Hunter didn't think he'd be able to handle his first friends hating him.

I'm too new at the whole having friends thing.. Hunter thought bitterly, cursing only having his sisters and baby brother as friends.

Clutching the railing tightly, Hunter imagined himself being as light as a feather as he started creeping up the stairs- two steps at a time.

He was only on the fourth step when a light flickered on behind him, in the living room.

"Oh, did I wake you? I'm so sorry-" Hunter started, loudly stumbling around. His mind was reeling, thinking that maybe Harry or Zil had fallen asleep in the living room.

But it wasn't Harry or Zil that was sitting in the living room- smiling up at him with ice cold eyes.

"Don't worry, you didn't wake me up Hunter." Drake drawled, his eyes sparkling maliciously in the glow of the lamp. "I was wide awake."

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