Chapter 1 Volume 4

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Zack (POV)
It's been about a month almost two since we left Vale. Qrow and have been following the group from the shadows and taking out any grim before they encounter them. During that time, everyone has gotten older. Ruby is now sixteen. Nora is still seventeen. Jaune is now seventeen. Ren is eighteen now. All of there looks have changed. I think Ruby looks hotter if I do say so myself.

Right now I'm in my Dragon form watching RNJR take on a giant rock grim

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Right now I'm in my Dragon form watching RNJR take on a giant rock grim. Nora shoots grenades at the grims back to get its attention off Ruby. Ren jumps from tree to tree firing shots the grim. The grim swings at Ren taking out some trees with it. Ren jumps on its arm and runs to it's face. Ren jumps high into the air and prepares to slice the grim's face. The grim covers up its face and Ren slices nothing but rock doing no damage.
Zack *mind*- Come on guys think of something.
Ren lands next to Jaune.
Jaune- We gotta get in closer!
Ren- My blades don't hurt him.
The rock grim turns to face the group.
Ruby- How about this!!!
Ruby loads a lightning cartridge into scarlet rose. He uses her speed semblance to get closer to the grim. She fires the lightning round and it hits the grim in the arm.
Zack *mind*- That's no good. The weak spot is his face. You gotta take out the limbs then go for the face.
The grim shakes of the attack and punches the ground. The force of impact makes the entire group fly back.
They all get up.
Nora- That's it!!
She changes the grenade launcher into her hammer and charges the grim. The grim throws a punch at Nora but her hammer hits the first sending the rock grim's arm into pieces. The grim tries to smash Ruby and Nora but they both back up. A rune portal appears on the grim and out pops a very nasty looking black arm. The grim slams its new arm into a long and swings at Jaune with its log arm.
Jaune- (running) His arm is a tree. His arm is a tree. His arm is a tree!!
Ruby- Big mistake!
Ruby loads in a fire cartridge into scarlet rose. She fires the fire round into the log arm.
Jaune- Big mistake!!
The grim attacks Jaune with its new fiery appendage. Ren throws one of his gun knives from the tree line. It connects with the grim's face.
Jaune stands back to come up with plan. He comes up with my plan of attack. He explains the plan to everyone.
Ruby- Come on team. Let's do this.
Nora- Yeah
Jaune- Ren left Ruby right. And Nora, wanna try out those new upgrades.
She nods and takes off. The grim stomps right behind Jaune and tries to hit him with its flaming tree arm. Ruby uses her speed semblance to attack it to get its attention. I swings at Ruby but she uses her semblance to get out the way. Ren jumps over the grim and shoots it. Jaune runs in front of the grim to get its attention. The grim swings at Jaune but he rolls out the way. Ren jumps on the grim's shoulder and shoots at it's face. Ren backflips off of it while Ruby speeds up to the grim and strikes it. The grim blocked the attack with it's arm and swung at Ruby with its flaming tree arm. Ruby sped under it and fired multiple shots at it. It tried to hit her again but she sped way up into the air. She fired a shot again and the recoil sent her right towards the grim. She struck the grim and backed off. Nora's hammer was now engulfed with pink lightning. Ruby grabbed Nora and used her semblance to speed both of them right towards the grim. Ruby let go of Nora and Nora swung her hammer at the grim. The attack hit and smashed the grim into pieces. A ghost grim flew out of the rock pieces and tried to flee. Ruby just fired a shot at it which hit it in the face and killed it.
Zack *mind*- You all have gotten stronger. That is good.
I take off from my tree branch and fly away.
I make back to the camp me and Qrow set up. I land and turn back to normal. I see Qrow packing up camp.
Zack- I guess we're on the move?
Qrow- Yeah. Once Jaune gets his upgraded gear and weapons from the village closest to here, the kids are heading north.
Zack- With my guess. I say they're heading to the next major village. They say it has an air pad for bullheads.
Qrow- I knew you were smart.
Zack- I try to be.
Qrow finishes packing and throws me my backpack.
Qrow- Well lets get going the sun will go down soon.
Zack- Alright. Let's go.
Qrow and begin walking north further into the forest.
Author: That was chapter one guys. Hope y'all enjoyed it.

Zack Fullbuster and the King Of Sin: A Ruby X Oc Story Volume 4Where stories live. Discover now