Chapter 16 Volume 4

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Zack (POV)
We reached Kuroyuri. It's the biggest town I've seen since we've been on this months long journey but this town is also the most destroyed.
Jaune- Woah.
Ruby- Come on.
We walk into the town to look for medicine.
Ruby- Any of these places look like a pharmacy?
Jaune- It's honestly hard to tell.
Zack *mind*- Yeah I feel ya. I can't even tell.
Ruby- Ren didn't really want to come here did he?
Jaune- It didn't seem so.
Ruby- Why?
Jaune- I think I have a pretty good idea.
Zack *mind*-This must be his home.This reminds me of my village and how it looks like this today.
They place Qrow down at sit him up against a tree.
Ruby- Alright Kaz and...I'm gonna name you Matthew. You two guard Qrow while search for medicine.
Kaz grunts in response and Jaune and Ruby go off.
Zack *mind*- Matthew huh.
They come back with nothing. We all hear a big howl far off in the distance.
Ruby- It's far off.
Jaune- I know but Ren and Nora are still out there.
Zack *mind*- Little do they know that it's coming for us.
Ruby- I'm sorry.
Jaune- Huh?
Ruby- This all my fault. I should've never dragged you guys into this. I was in a vulnerable state from losing Zack. Hell I still am. I needed comfort and company.
Jaune- You didn't drag us into this. We wanted to come.
Ruby- But you didn't know about Tyrian or about
Jaune- Ruby. We...We lost Pyrrha and Zack. You lost them too and Penny and your team and in a way your sister. But you're still here. Despite everything you've lost and everything you could still lose, you chose to come out here because you felt like you could make a difference. You didn't drag us along. You gave us the courage to follow you.
Zack *mind*- Well said Jaune.
Cas- Well said indeed.
Ren (POV)
Nora and I were climbing up the mountain path when we come across a cave.
Ren- We never get the easy path do we?
Nora- Easy is no fun anyway. You ok?
Ren- Mhmm. You?
Nora- I've got you here don't I? C'mon there is more than one way up the mountain. Thunder and lightening sound.
Nora- Hey! There is wind coming from this cave!
I run over to her.
Nora- Think it might lead to the peak?
Ren- I guess there's only one way to find out.
A piece of paper hits my face and Nora laughs.
Ren- Yes yes. Very funny.
I look at the paper and recognize it
Nora- Hey what's wrong?
Ren- This is the symbol fro Shion village.
Nora- Shion? But that's...that's the village where we found the huntsman. It's weeks away from here. I drop the cloth and rush into the cave.
Nora- Ren! Wait!
We get inside the cave and see a nasty sight.
Ren- Oh my god.
We see swords, shields, arrows and dried blood everywhere. I pick up an arrow and instantly recognize it as one of my fathers. I look at Nora then at the hooves print that's on the ground. It leads out of another opening in the cave. We go to the opening and see the shaking of trees.
Ren- No.
Nora grabs my hand as we hear the all to familiar sound of the huntsman as it heads for Kuroyuri.
Meanwhile in Salem's realm
Cinder (POV)
It's been months since the fall of beacon where I killed Zack and became the fall maiden. That brat with the silver eyes did something with her eyes and injured me. I have no left arm or left eye. I'm currently training to get my maiden powers better. Four Grim are coming towards me and I do a fire slash killing them all. One more comes at me and I incinerate it. I collapse to the ground. Salem comes in.
Salem- Enough. I thought you were the girl that wanted power. Did you lie to me?
I shake my head no.
Salem- Then stop holding back. If you wish to master your new powers you must
The doors burst open and Tyrian comes in crying. He's also missing his stinger He falls to the ground.
Tyrian- I'm sorry. She'll forgive me. Please forgive me.
Salem walks over to him
Salem- Tyrian. Your task. Were you successful?
Tyrian- N-No. B- But hope is not lost. My tail my stinger. I poisoned him. Qrow. He will not be a nonsense to you any longer no. Have I pleased you?
Salem- The last eye is blinded. You disappoint me.
She begins to walk away.
Tyrian- Wait I have one more thing. It's a message.
Salem- What message and from whom.
Tyrian- He said he was just a ghost from the past and he said that you need to watch your back because he's coming to kill you.
Salem- (angry) What did this man look like.
Tyrian- He has white hair. A left eye that's red and a right eye that's silver. I didn't get to see the rest of his face but his left eye changed. His entire eye went pitch black except for his red glowing pupil and red veins coming from the side of his eye.
SC *mind*- He's alive?! But how?!
Salem looks at me with a death glare equal to Zack's.
Author: Like this stare but she doesn't look like the girl.

Author: Like this stare but she doesn't look like the girl

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She walks away down the corridor leaving me and Tyrian.
Tyrian starts to cry and goes and kills some grim to relax himself.
Cinder *mind*- There is no way he's alive. Kai and I killed him. I don't believe this. I refuse to believe this. I'm gonna find this person and see for myself if it's the last thing I do.
Author: They know now but they don't know if it's a trick or not. Salem seems convinced but Cinder is coming for Zack to see if it's all fake. Things are getting interesting.

Zack Fullbuster and the King Of Sin: A Ruby X Oc Story Volume 4Where stories live. Discover now