Chapter 9 Volume 4

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Zack (POV)
It's been a day since oniyuri. It's close to nighttime when we come across another destroyed town. Qrow and I hop on rooftops keeping a safe distance away from RNJR. Ren stops the group and stands there. I close my eyes to sense for presences other than ourselves and the group.
Zack- Qrow.
Qrow- Yeah I know.
Zack- Coming from the south southwest. It isn't grim. Should we intervene?
Qrow- Let's keep our distance for now. If things get hairy then I jump in.
Zack- Got it.
The group draws their weapons and a psychotic look man jumps over a building and goes after Ruby. He deploys his blade gauntlets intercepts him. Ren blocks most of his strikes but is knocked back. Ruby tries to hit him with scarlet rose but he jumps on the scythe and kicks Ruby back. He strikes at Ruby again but Ruby blocks and dashes behind this freak. He strikes again and Ruby blocks but her aura was gone upon impact. Jaune comes in and tries to shield bash this guy but he jumps on the shield and gets face to face with Jaune. Nora comes and the guy jumps on her hammer and jumps off of it. He crashes through a tower but that doesn't seem to faze him in the slightest.
Jaune- We're not looking for a fight!
Ren- Who are you!
The dust settles and the could be seen more clearly. The man jumps down from the top of the tower and lands in front of the group.
Crazy guy- Who I am matters not to you or you or (looks at Jaune) well you do interest me. No I only matter to you. (points at Ruby)
Ruby- Me?
The crazy guy starts laughing hysterically.
Crazy- You haven't the slightest clue do you? Oh how exciting this must be!
Ruby- (cold voice) What do you want?
The crazy guy does an over the top gasp.
Crazy guy- The rose has thorns. My little flower, I'm here to whisk you away with me.
The group stands in front of Ruby with weapons at the ready.
Nora- Well what if she doesn't want to go with you?
The crazy guy looks unimpressed.
Crazy guy- Well I'll take her.
Jaune- We're not gonna let you do that.
Crazy guy- (sighs) Good!
The crazy guy dashes behind Jaune and is about to strike him.
Ren- Jaune!
Ren fires his guns and it bounced off jaune's shield and hits the guy. The guy hops on Jaune's shield and spins on his head. Ruby comes up but she gets kicked away but lands on her feet. Jaune swings his sword but the guy ducks. The guy hops up and does a corkscrew kick to Jaune. Jaune goes to a knee and gets kicked in the face. The guy then goes after Nora. Ruby fires a electric bullet at the guy but he moves his head at the last second and the bullet hits Nora.
Zack *mind*- That only helps Nora. She has a lightning semblance like Ethan.
The guy laughs hysterically at what just happened. Nora gets up with electricity sparking around herself and her hammer and dashes the guy. She bashed the guy with the hammer and it makes a loud boom sound. When the dust settled the guy had blocked the attack with what seemed to be his long ponytail.
Cas- That's a tail. He's a scorpion faunas.
Zack (telepathic talk)- Oh shit.
The guy does a tornado kick to Nora sending her back. The guy jumps on top of a house and removed his jacket that exposed the rest of his tail that started at his head.
Ruby- What is this about?! The whitefang?! Roman Torchwick?!
Crazy guy- Blastec soilders and pawns. My heart and body belongs only to our goddess.
Ruby- (cold voice) Cinder.
Crazy guy- hmph. Only in her wildest dreams!
Zack- So we got ourselves an agent of Salem .
Qrow- It would seem so.
The guy dashes down from the house and goes after Ruby. He uses his tail to knock scarlet rose out of the way. Ruby regains her grip and swings her scythe. The guy does the matrix and blade punches her back. He turns his attention to Ren and tries to hit him with his stinger. Ren strafes and doesn't get hit but the guy kicks away Ren and Jaune and Nora. The guy goes back after Ruby. He blade punches her three times and kicks her into the air. He runs to where she was about to land and kicks her in the stomach.
Zack- Qrow get in there. They're being massacred.
Qrow- On it.
He turns into a bird and flys to the ground. He turns back to normal and runs to the guy. The crazy guy was just about to finish off Ruby with his tail but Qrow burst through a house and blocked the attack with his blade.
Zack- Yes!
Ruby looked relieved.
Qrow- Hey kid.
Author: And that's the end of that one dear readers. I'll see you in the next one.

Zack Fullbuster and the King Of Sin: A Ruby X Oc Story Volume 4Where stories live. Discover now