Chapter 10 Volume 4

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Ruby (POV)
Uncle Qrow just saved me from that crazy scorpion faunas guy and is about to face off with him.
Crazy guy- As I live and breathe. Qrow Brawnwen. A true huntsman has entered the fray.
I get up and uncle looks at me.
Ruby- I don't know. This guy is weird.
Qrow- Look pal, I don't know who you are but you need to leave my niece alone.
Crazy guy- (chuckles) Why friend my name is Tyrian and I'm afraid that is not possible. My assignment from her grace was to retrieve this girl so that is what I must do. One does not upset the queen.
Ruby- Queen?
Qrow- Salem.
Ruby- Who?
Tyrian- I think we've had enough talk now don't you.
Qrow- You took the words right out of my
Tyrian rushes uncle. Uncle blocks his strikes and swings his sword at him. Tyrian gets back and goes for a flying blade strike but uncle gets out of the way. Tyrian goes for another one while uncle rushes him and swings. Their attacks collide pushing both of them back. Tyrian lands and uncle goes for a downward slice but Tyrian moves out the way last second. This continues on for a few seconds until uncle goes for a flying front flip slash which Tyrian blocks but it brings him down to both knees. Tyrian smiles and clicks a trigger causing bullets to fire at uncle. Tyrian runs around uncle in circles shooting at uncle. Uncle Qrow keeps blocking the bullets with his sword. Ren and Nora rush in to help uncle. Tyrian leans his head back to see them. He turns his attention to the attack that's approaching him and he blocks both attacks. He spins on his hands and kicks both Ren and Nora back. Tyrian runs at us but uncle got in his way.
Qrow- Don't come closer.
Ruby- Fine!
I run to my right and use scarlet rose to shoot me up to the top of a tall building. Once I get to the top I aim my barrel at the fight below. Uncle and Tyrian were trading blow for blow. That is until Tyrian used his tail to take uncle's sword away which got embedded into a wall. I shoot at Tyrian to get his attention. I shoot at him some more but he blocks my bullets with his tail and he doesn't even look at me. Uncle punches Tyrian multiple times in the face and then spartan kicks him away. Uncle walks over to the wall and grabs his sword. Tyrian uses this opportunity to attack him. Uncle jumps onto his sword handle and clicks the trigger. His sword extends and bends exposing a gun barrel which he shoots at Tyrian. The shot caused uncle to fly onto the roof of that building. Tyrian followed and uncle's and Tyrian's blades collided. Uncle pushed Tyrian away and ran to the other side of the roof. Tyrian jumped at uncle and fell through a weak spot in the roof. I hop off the roof I'm on and run over to the two. The roof collapsed and uncle came tumbling out. He dug his sword into the ground and stood on the handle.
Tyrian came out of the dust and dashed at uncle. I got in the way and blocked the attack.
Jaune- Ruby!
Tyrian- Do you wish to be taken?!
Ruby- No but I won't stand by and watch someone get hurt. Never again!!
Uncle and I rush Tyrian and we clash. Tyrian kicks uncle away and he shoots at me which I block. Tyrian spins around and his stinger comes for me but Uncle Qrow blocks it. They clash again.
Qrow- Ruby what'd I say?! Get back!
Ruby- This is my fight too!!
I run around Tyrian and swipe at him but he jumps over it.
Qrow- No it's not it's
I rush at Tyrian and he does the same. I strike his tail but he rolls through and lands a front dropkick on me. I stumble back. I heard a noise from above. I look up to see a wooden support beam was about to hit me. Uncle came and sliced it in half.
Qrow- Argh!!!
I see uncle get cut by Tyrian's stinger. I put my scythe around Tyrian's tail and quickly pull the gun trigger. The recoil caused the scythe to sever his tail.
Tyrian- Argh!!!!!!!
He crawls away a little bit.
Tyrian- You bitch!! I tries to stumble walk towards me but the guys get in his way.
Tyrian- (whispers to himself) She'll forgive you.
He runs away.
Zack (POV)
Cas- He's running away. Should we go after him?
Zack (telepathic talk) Yeah. I'm not gonna kill him though. I have a message I want him to deliver.
I turn into my dragon form and fly after Tyrian. I didn't take me long to catch up to him. I change back to normal and I land of the ground behind him. I doesn't notice me and keeps running. I point my left arm in a gun shape and fire a small laser cannon. The laser cannon grazed his face and caused a huge explosion in front him. He slowly turned around to face.
Zack- Hello Tyrian you psychotic bastard.
Tyrian- Oh hello. You know you I am but I'm afraid you have me at a disadvantage for I don't know who are.
Zack- Kinda due to the mask covering the lower half of my face but let's just say that I'm a ghost of the past and I have a message for that bitch Salem that I want you to deliver for me.
Tyrian- Ok and that is?
I change my eye and hellfire slowly surrounds me and Tyrian's face goes pale.
Zack- Tell her that I'm coming to kill her and that if she wants me, she'll have to find me first. You got it?!
Tyrian- Y- Yes.
Zack- Good, now you have five seconds to get out of my sight before I end your miserable existence.
I lift my hair up so that he can see my silver eye. He sees this and starts running away leaving dust clouds.
Zack- Now that that's taken care of, let's get back to a poisoned Qrow and friends.
I turn back into a dragon and fly away.
Author: Done with this chapter. Hope y'all enjoyed it.

Zack Fullbuster and the King Of Sin: A Ruby X Oc Story Volume 4Where stories live. Discover now