Chapter 2 Volume 4

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Ruby (POV)
We left village that we helped not to long ago. We were walking down the road heading north to next town over. It's said that they have a work airship. Currently I was thinking about Zack like usually do everyday for the past months.
Ruby *mind*- I know if you were here, you'd tell me to be strong and everything is all right. But it's not. I need you here with me and I know that it'll never happen. Cinder and that mysterious guy took you away from me. I promise that I will avenge you and Pyrrha if it's the last thing I do.
Kaz nudges me to get me out of my thoughts. He's gotten so big that he's taller than all of us and he can walk on two legs now but he's still the goodest boy anyone can ask for. Zack would've been proud. I give Kaz a reassuring smile and turn my head forward. Jaune was looking at me.
Ruby- What?
Jaune- I'm guessing you were thinking about him again.
Ruby- Yeah.
Jaune- That's ok. You'll get through this. We all will.
Ruby- Thanks Jaune. Now face forward before you run into something.
Jaune faces forward and we continue to walk.
Zack (POV)
It was nighttime. Qrow and I set up camp near RNJR's position.
Zack- Alright Qrow. I'll take watch over them first.
Qrow- Yes!
Zack- See you in a couple hours.
I teleport away from camp and reappear in a tree overlooking Ruby's camp.
I watch as Ruby starts tossing and turning.
Zack *mind*- Must me having a nightmare.
Ruby (POV)
Ruby Dream/Flashback
Zack (dream)- Looks like....I I'm.....sorry.
Dream/Flashback end
I jolt upright in a panicked state.
Ruby- Zack!
Surprisingly no one woke up besides Kaz who was sleeping near me. He raised his head to look at me.
Ruby- It's alright Kaz. I'm fine. Go back to sleep.
Kaz puts his head down and goes back to sleep. I lay back down and try to go to sleep again.
Zack (POV)
Zack *mind*- Ok so I knew it was going to be bad but to the point where she's having nightmares about me months after my death.
I put on my mask and hop teleport to the ground. I quietly make my way to Ruby's sleeping bag. I kneel down and brush away the hair in her face. I begin to stroke her head.
Zack- (whispers) You're going to be fine. I know it may not seem like it but I promise that it's going to get better. I'll be watching over you Rubes.
I stop stroking her hair and teleport back to my camp.
I wake up Qrow.
Zack- Your turn man.
Qrow- (wakes up) Aw man already?
Zack- Yep. (Goes to sleeping bag and lays down) Night.
I fall asleep.
It's the middle of the afternoon the next day and Qrow and I were walking until we came across a scorched village with packs of beowolves scouring the area. This brings up repressed memories briefly.
Qrow- We should take them out before anybody else get here.
Zack- Agreed.
We both enter the town and the entire pack encircles us.
Zack- Shall I start things off?
Qrow- (draws sword) Be my guest.
A ring of Black/red hellfire goes around my feet. I snap my fingers on my right hand and the hellfire shoots outward in all directions. About 75 percent of the grim is incinerated while the others are badly hurt. Qrow didn't get hurt because he jumped over my attack.
Qrow- I said you could start it off! Not burn me alive.
Zack- My bad. You take the four on the left. I got the other four.
Qrow grumbles and goes of to attack the grim.
Zack- Now where was I? Oh yeah I remember.
I blade made out of hellfire forms in my right hand.
Zack- King of Sin's Hellfire blade. Thanks for teaching me this Cas
Cas- You are welcome.
I rush the grim and slice the first one's head off. Two more come at me from both sides. I draw Last Rite with my left hand and shot the grim coming from my left in face without even looking at it. I stab the one coming from my right in it's face. I holster my gun and the hellfire blade dissipates. I look at the last grim before me. It gets chickenshit and runs away in the opposite direction.
Zack-(Sigh) You really think it's that easy.
I form my right hand in the gun symbol and aim it at the grim.
Zack- Now burn.
A thin line of hellfire shoots from my fingertips and hits the grim causing an explosion.
Qrow comes back over to me.
Qrow- Was that really necessary kid?
Zack- No but was fun.
I hear voices coming up from behind us. I recognize Ruby's voice in an instant.
Zack- Qrow we gotta go fast.
Qrow turns into a crow and I turn into my dragon and we both fly away.
Author: Chapter end. We will pick it up in the next chapter.

Zack Fullbuster and the King Of Sin: A Ruby X Oc Story Volume 4Where stories live. Discover now