Chapter 17 Volume 4

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Meanwhile in Patch
Yang (POV)
I was outside just finished giving my robot arm a paint job. I put it on and go to the shed. I open the shed door and go inside to remove the tarp from my motorcycle.
???- I don't remember saying you were ready.
It was dad.
Yang- You gonna try and stop me?
Tai- I think I'm still too sore after our last fight. I just wanted a better goodbye than a letter. And I also have a question for you.
I turn to face him.
Tai- Where are you going?
Yang- What do you mean?
Tai- Well despite asking him numerous times not to, I know Qrow has told you were your mother has been at. I know how much you wanna see her. I've stopped you in the past but I won't anymore. And we both read the note. We know your sister is headed to mistral. So where are you going?
Around the same time in Atlas
Weiss (POV)
Tonight is the night I make my escape. I've packed my briefcase case with all my dust. I quietly open my bedroom door. I walk out and run into Klein.
Klein- Shhhh. Let's go.
We move briskly but quietly down the hallway. We walk down the main staircase and down another hall. Klein's scroll vibrates. It was Whitley. After he was done talking to that brat, he spoke to me.
Klein- Head to the first floor library. I'll meet you there. I walk down the hall and stop at fathers office. He was speaking with ironwood. It turns out Winter is in mistral and atlas will be closing off its borders starting next week. I put a glyph on the door to keep them both locked inside. I hurry and rush to the library. Once I reach it Klein is nowhere to be seen.
Weiss- Klein. Klein where are you?
Something opens up and I turn around to Klein come out from behind a bookcase.
Klein- Calm down I told you I'd be here.
I run up to him and give him a hug.
Klein- Are you sure mistral is safe?
Weiss- No but it's were I'll find Winter.
Klein- I suppose she's the only family you've got after tonight.
Weiss- I'll always have you.
Klein- You most certainly will.
Dad calls for Klein.
Klein- Go now. I have someone waiting down there for you.
I grab my stuff and walk to the secret passage.
Weiss- Thank you Klein.
He nods and closes the door.
I head down the steps. Once I reach the bottom I hear footsteps coming towards me.
???- It's about time you got here snow angel. I was beginning to get bored.
It was Dante.
Weiss- Dante!
I run up to him and give him a long passionate kiss.
Weiss- How'd you get here?
Dante- I'll tell you later. Now let's get the hell out of here.
Weiss- Right.
Timeskip to earlier in the morning back in Menagerie
Blake (POV)
I woke up with wrapped in Elias's arms. Last night was amazing. I hope we get to do it again soon. Elias begins to stir awake. I rotate around to face him.
Blake- Good morning sunshine.
Elias- Good morning kitty. How'd you sleep?
Blake- Like a baby. Especially after what you did last night. You tired me out. I've never had so much fun.
Elias- So I did a good thing. Yes!
Blake- You did a very good thing and I can't wait for round two.
I give him a lustful smile and his face goes red.
We suddenly hear my door break open. We see it's my parents and we both sit up in shock.
Kali- Oh oh dear. Would you look at that. He's awake. Thank goodness.
Ghira- Kali please.
Elias- It's not what it looks like!! I'm sorry!!! I'll show myself out!!
Kali- It's ok dear. You don't gotta lie. We already know. These walls are kinda thin so we heard everything and from the sound of it looks like you gave Blake a real good time.
Blake- Mom!!!
Ghira- Besides, I needed to speak with you both and your monkey friend. He's already waiting in my office.
We were both fully dressed and was in dad's office.
Ghira- I'm afraid you were right to be suspicious.
Blake- What do you mean?
Ghira- Adam Taurus is planning to overthrow the leader of the whitefang and stage a full scale attack on Haven Academy. It would be the fall of beacon all over again.
Sun- Not if we destroy the whitefang once and for all.
Elias- No. Not destroy.
I get up.
Blake- We're not gonna destroy the whitefang. We're going to take it back.
Timeskip to back in Kuroyuri
Ren (POV)
Nora and I have made it to Kuroyuri.
Ren- Not again.
We make to Ruby and Jaune's position
Zack (POV)
Ruby- What are you guys doing here?
Jaune- Did you hear that noise? What was that?
Ren falls to his knees and has a face of shock.
Ren- No.
Ruby- Ren what is it?
Jaune- Wait. Do you guys hear that?
Nora- Ren?
Cas- It's here.
Zack (telepathic talk)- I know friend. I know.
This nasty looking grim comes from out of the mist.

This nasty looking grim comes from out of the mist

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Zack *mind*- It's game time. Let the carnage begin.
Author: I think I have one or two more chapters left for this volume. It's most likely gonna be the finale and then an epilogue. We'll see. Hope you guys enjoyed it.

Zack Fullbuster and the King Of Sin: A Ruby X Oc Story Volume 4Where stories live. Discover now