Chapter 6 Volume 4

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Blake (POV)
We were drinking tea in the family room. I was sitting next to Elias and mom.
Kali- We We're horrified when we heard the news. The kingdom of vale wasn't perfect but certainly didn't deserve what had happened. We were both so worried.
Dad- Please I knew she'd be fine.
Kali- That isn't the slightest bit true. (Turns to Blake) You should've seen pacing.
Sun- You guys have nothing to worry about. I've seen your daughter in action before and trust me, she's got some moves.
Elias chokes on his tea when he here's this. We all stare at Sun. Elias gives him a death glare.
Dad- What exactly do you mean by that Mr. Wu Kong.
Elias- Yeah Sun. Do want to rephrase what you what you just said (cracks knuckles)
Sun goes on trying to get himself out of the situation.
Elias- Sun just stop talking. You're only making this worse on yourself.
Kali- So Elias was it? How did you get to know my daughter.
Elias- Well ma'am, we met during the initiation. My good friend Zack was the one who introduced us. He was a good guy. He was like a brother to me. (Looks down)
Kali- Why the long face dear?
Blake- We all lost him.
Mom's eyes go big.
Blake- Zachary Matthew Fullbuster was a good friend to myself, Elias, Sun, and all of my friends on my team and his.
Elias- He was my team leader. Team ZEED was us. Everybody in my team treated each other like we were brothers and in a way, we kinda were.
Blake- Zack was very close and important to me. I saw him as a brother that I never had and I would've done anything for him.
Elias- Then the fall of beacon happened. We was in the worst shape out of all of us. Yet he continued to fight and drive back the whitefang and grim.
Blake- He saves me that night and lost his arm because of it. When we were about to evacuate, we wouldn't come with us.
Elias- (tears up) I tried to stop him. I really did but nothing was going to change his mind. He promised that he would come back so we let him go. He and Pyrrha who was another one of our friends, they went up the tower to fight the one responsible for the entire thing. They went up there, but they never came back down.
I was starting to cry to and I hugged Elias. Mom and dad where crying a bit too.
Kali- Did you say his name was Zachary Fullbuster.
Blake- Yes.
Kali- Oh no not him. Anything but him.
Elias- You know him?
Dad- We've heard stories of a young human boy helping out the faunas. Whether it be with the peaceful protests or helping faunas with food and shelter. He did everything. He was a beacon of hope that one day humans and faunas could become equal. It's a damn shame he's gone. I'm sorry for your loss Elias.
Elias- Thank you sir.
Mom whispers in my ear.
Kali (whispers) I like him.
Blake- (whispers) Thank you. He was so nervous.
Kali- (whispers) Aww that's adorable. He's fine in my book.
There was a knock at the door.
Dad- Darn it I forgot about the meeting.
Kali- Ghira.
Dad gets up and walks to the door.
Blake- Mom is everything okay?
Kali- Yes dear just poor timing. He can reschedule. It's just been hard dealing with them lately.
Elias- If I may ask , who is it?
Kali- The whitefang.
EBS- What?!
We all get up and rush to the door.
Blake- Dad!
Dad turns around.
Ghira- Blake what's wrong?
WF member 1- (bows) Miss belladonna.
WF member 2- (bows) We had no idea you've returned.
Blake- What are you doing talking with these people?
Ghira- This is Corsac and Fennec Albain. They represent the whitefang here in Menagerie now.
Sun- Those psychos are here too?!
Elias- What do want? Speak now!
Fennec- Young men, I'm not sure of what you've heard of our organization but I can assure you that we are not as ferocious as the media tells you.
Elias- Yeah try saying that to the whitefang soilder who cut my eye.
Blake- Yeah we've seen it. Your fanatics slaughter people.
Ghira- (turns to WFs) What are they talking about.
Corsac- Precisely what we came here to talk about with you your grace.
Mom comes up behind us.
Sun- Wait you guys seriously don't know?!
Kali- Just the little bit you guys told us.
Elias- Yes the whitefang was at beacon when it fell but it wasn't just a couple rouge soilders. It was damn entire regime led by Adam Taurus. They released grim into the school and just around the same numbers as the grim and there was A LOT of grim. So you guys better not try and cover this up. You're just as responsible as the other person.
Ghira- Is this true?
Fennec- Sadly your grace, it is.
Blake- Don't act like it was
Dad holds me back.
Ghira- That's enough! Explain yourselves.
Corsac- Though it pains us to admit, it has become apparent that the Vale branch of the whitefang is no longer operating under orders of high leader Khan. Rather they have elected to follow the rules of one Adam Taurus. I believe you are familiar with the young addict and is extreme philosophies.
Sun- You know beacon wasn't the first time the whitefang started shooting up vale.
Fennec- The high council had their suspicions about a splinter group but they could prove nothing until this latest incident.
Blake- Incident?! People are dead! Zack is dead!
Corsac- And it is a tragedy.
Fennec- Your grace, we came to assure that brother Taurus and his followers do not represent the will of the whitefang.
Ghira- And how can I be sure of that?
Corsac- We understand if you bear any skepticism towards these claims. The whitefang's tatics have been admittedly more aggressive since you've stepped down as high leader and became chieftain of Menagerie but this, this is no way to make our message heard.
Fennec- We have ample documentation from the council meeting as well as several strategies to apprehend and punish these strays if you care to review them.
Ghira- I will but another day. I'd like some to reconnect with my daughter as well as to get to know my possible son in law.
I look to my right to see Elias's face is in shock. I chuckle a little bit and hold his hand.
Corsac- Of course your grace.
Fennec- We completely understand. It was a pleasure to see you again young Blake. As well as you young Elias.
Elias- F off.
They leave and dad closes the door.
Sun- So those guys were creepy.
Ghira- I really don't like you but you, (turns to Elias) I like you. C'mere
Dad gives him a big bear hug and I laugh out loud at his struggle to get out. Dad finally lets go.
Elias- Mr. Belladonna sir, do you find if I leave and go home? I haven't seen my family in quite some time and I bet the know about beacon and are probably worried about me.
Ghira- Sure son. Why don't you bring them back for dinner. I'd like to meet them.
Kali- That sounds like a great idea! I'll start cooking.
Elias- Sounds good. Thank Mr. Belladonna.
Ghira- Please call me Ghira.
Elias- Yes sir.
Elias begins to leave.
Blake- Wait. I'll come with you.
Elias- You sure?
Blake- Yes.
Elias- Alright then let's go.
Author: Chapter end. The next chapter will be more of Elias. Yay!!

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