Chapter 3 Volume 4

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Ruby (POV)
We were walking down the road when we heard an explosion.
Nora- Uh guys?
Jaune- Yeah. I heard it to. Let's go check it out.
We rush ahead and we come across a town that's been destroyed.
Ruby- There could be survivors.
Ren- Over here!
We see a huntsman who was slumped up against a rock.
Jaune- What happened? Who killed all of these people?
Huntsman- A whole tribe. Then with all the panic...
Ren- Grim.
Huntsman- There were two guys who came and cleared out all the grim in seconds. They were really powerful. I don't think they saw me because they took off as soon as you got here.
Ruby *mind*- Hmm interesting.
Nora, Jaune, and I walk a few steps away and go over our options.
Ruby- Alright. We can get him to the next village and try to find a doctor there.
Jaune- Yeah. Ren and I and probably Kaz can take turns carrying him.
Nora- I don't think he's going to make it.
Jaune- He will. He has to.
Ruby- If we get going now his chances will be better. I can run ahead and look for help.
Ren calls out from behind us.
Ren- Guys.
We turn around. Ren looks down in sadness. We look at the huntsman to see that he's dead.
Nora- Should we bury him?
Ren walks past us.
Ren- We should go. It's not safe here.
Nora- Ren?
Nora walks after him.
I see Jaune looking sad and I place my hand on his shoulder.
Ruby- It'll be ok.
Jaune- (sighs) I'm just tired of losing everything.
I look down in sadness.
Ruby- (whispers) Yeah. Me too.
It's nighttime and I just woke from having another nightmare about Zack and Pyrrha.
I hear Pyrrha's voice in the distance and I sit up. I look around to see Jaune is missing. I get up and follow the voice for a bit. It leads me to a small clearing where I see Jaune is practice his fighting technique to a video of Pyrrha telling him what to do. I hide behind a tree and watch him.
Pyrrha (video)- Alright Jaune. Follow these instructions. Shield up. Keep your grip tight. Don't forget to keep your front foot forward.
Jaune follows the instructions.
Pyrrha (video)- Go.
Jaune stabs and slices at the air.
Pyrrha (video)- (chuckles) Now assuming that you aren't cheating, we can take a break. I know that this can be frustrating and can feel like so much effort just to progress a small amount but I want you to know that I'm proud of you. I've never met someone so determined to better themselves. You've grown so much since we've started training and I know this is just the beginning. Jaune I...I...I want you to know that I'm just happy to be apart of your life. I always be here for you Jaune.
I smile and turn to leave but before I can, I here his voice and look back at the video.
Zack (video)- (walks into frame) What's she's trying to say is that she loves you bro. Look I know you've been oblivious to this but come on dog. You've had to have noticed something. Now that you know, make a move dude.
Pyrrha (video)- (punches Zack in the arm) I wanted to tell him. (Chuckles) Is there anything else you want to add before we end this video?
Zack (video)- Uh Yeah. You're phenomenal Jaune. When we first met I kinda saw you as a wimp that needed protection. No offense. But as time went on, you became more like a brother to me and to watch wanna become stronger made me proud. Don't ever stop being you. Love ya dude. Later.
The video rewinds from the beginning and Jaune practices again. I turn around and slump down the the tree and begin to cry.
Zack (POV)
I was in a tree over looking the whole situation of Ruby watching Jaune practice to the video Pyrrha and I made. Once the video was over Ruby slumped to the ground and began to cry.
Cas- Dude you sound so corny.
Zack (telepathic talk)- Bro shut up. What I said in the video came from the heart.
Cas- Whatever. So you gonna do anything about Ruby?
Zack (telepathic talk)- Nah. Sometimes you just need to cry. Shall we go.
Cas- Yeah.
???- Who are you?
I look down to see Ruby was looking at me.
Zack *mind*- Oh shit! Do I have my mask on? Yes I do. Time to get the fuck out of dodge.
I teleport back to my camp.
Ruby (POV)
The black figure just disappeared in an instant.
Ruby *mind*- Huh weird. I couldn't see what the person looked like but I did notice the person's red eye. We gotta be careful. We might have been followed.
I stop thinking and walk back to camp.
Author: That's the end of of this chapter. Ruby has seen Zack for the first time in a long time even if it was in video form. Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter.

Zack Fullbuster and the King Of Sin: A Ruby X Oc Story Volume 4Where stories live. Discover now