Volume 4 Epilouge

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Zack (POV)
I had teleported behind some buildings away from the group. Two mistral ships fly overhead and land near my position. Go see what they are doing but I stay in the shadows. I see them loading Qrow onto one of the ships. Ruby and Jaune get on with Qrow while Nora and get on another along with Kaz. Just as they were taking off, I teleport on top of the one Ruby is riding. We were only up in the air for a minute or two before mistral came into view.
Zack *mind*- These kids and Kaz along with Qrow are gonna be fine. We've made it.
Meanwhile in Atlas
Dante (POV)
We bribed at Atlasian pilot to take us to mistral.
Pilot- Ok. You can hide in the back. I'll take you as far as I can but if we get caught, you guys are on your own.
Dante- Sounds good. Thank you. Let's go Weiss.
We hop onto the ship and we take off into the sky. Destination Mistral.
Back in Menagerie
Blake (POV)
I was in my room with Elias. I was opening a chest I've kept hidden for so long. I open it to reveal my old whitefang stuff. I look at Elias and he gives me nod.
Elias- We've got this. It's time for change.
I smile at him and give him a hug and kiss. He's right. It's time for change.
Somewhere in the middle of the ocean
Yang (POV)
I'm currently on my way to my mother's bandit camp. This ship is taking me to Anima where I'll find her. And then I'll find Ruby.
Zack (POV)
RNJR and Qrow rented out a cottage in the city. Qrow is now recovering which is good. Right now I'm outside on the roof looking into Ruby and Qrow's room. Ruby seems to be writing a letter. Probably to her sister.
Cas- They've grown so much in so little time.
Zack (telepathic talk) Yeah. They kinda had to do so after beacon. But this is only the beginning. There is still much more ahead of them and us.
Cas- Indeed. You still have much to learn too.
Zack (telepathic talk) Mhmm. Let's get started then.
Ruby (POV)
I just finished my letter to yang when I get the feeling I'm being watched. I turn around to see the man that helped us fight that grim looking at me. He gives a nod and disappears.
Ruby *mind*- I don't know who you are or if you're friend or foe but thank you for help. Your actions and abilities remind me of someone I lost. Your eye even changed like his. Maybe just maybe. No he's gone but I will find out who you are.
Author: And that's the end of this volume. I pretty proud of how this came out. I'm already working on Volume 5 so stay tuned. Indigo Prince out.

Zack Fullbuster and the King Of Sin: A Ruby X Oc Story Volume 4Where stories live. Discover now