Chapter 18 Volume 4: Finale

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Zack (POV)
I was flying overhead watching RNJR and Kaz being tossed around like rag dolls. They all regroup as this grim comes towards them. Jaune see's Qrow is exposed so he makes a run for him. The grim uses his super long extendo arms to hit Jaune. Jaune rolls to avoid the arm and makes it to Qrow. The grim starts galloping towards the two. Ren places his hand on the ground and both Qrow and turn grey. The grim stops dead in its tracks.
Zack *mind*- I see. That's a pretty cool semblance my guy. You can mask emotions.
Ren- Just get him to safety!
Nora hits the grim with grenades while Jaune moves Qrow away from the battle. Ruby uses the gun recoil of scarlet rose to shoot her into the air. She gets swatted down to the ground by one of the arms. Nora rushes in but gets het by the other arm. Ren shoots the grim in the back grabbing its attention. It grabs Ren with both its arms. Jaune comes back.
Jaune- Guys! Keep moving! Go in a circle!
Nora hits the grim with more grenades making it let go of Ren. They all start doing that. It tries to hit Ren but misses. It goes for Nora and misses. All of them minus Jaune are shooting at them while running circles around it. Jaune goes in to slice the horse leg. It did nothing but piss the horse off and it back kicked Jaune in the chest sending him away.
Cas- Dammmnnnnn!!
Zack: You just got knocked the fuck out! Bitch!!
Author: Damn it Zack!!!! We were doing so well!!! We were almost through an entire Volume without you doing something like this!! Why!!
Zack: Because fuck you that's why.
Author: I hate you so much.
Zack: Awh I love you too.
Jaune lands next to Ruby. Jaune gets up and puts his sword away.
Ruby- What are you doing?!
Jaune's sword holster forms another blade on top of the sword. Ruby fires scarlet rose to grab the grim's attention while Jaune rushes in again. He slices the back horse leg and the horse part of the grim roars out in pain. The grim falls back a little bit. Kaz jumps at the grim but the grim extends its arms outward and it spins around like a tornado. Kaz is smacked out of the air. All of RNJR gets smacked too. The grim stands tall but the humanoid part of the grim begins to change. It's back spikes grow longer and it's mouth fully comes open as it lets out a ear bleeding screech.

 It's back spikes grow longer and it's mouth fully comes open as it lets out a ear bleeding screech

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Ren runs up a tree and shoots at the grim. It hits the grim but hits Ren with one it's arms smashing Ren into a building. The grim prepares to use its other arm to finish off Ren.
Nora- Ruby!
Ruby nods and begins to spin around with scarlet rose. Nora leaps at Ruby and lands on scarlet rose. Ruby shoots and uses the recoil to rocket Nora in Ren's direction. Just as the other arm was about to hit Ren, Nora hit the arm with her hammer at the last second causing it to hit the side of the building. Now Nora was dangling from the grim's arm. Ren looked up at Nora and got a full view of what was underneath her skirt.
Nora- (covers that area with her hand) Stop looking.
Ren- Uh sorry.
Zack *mind*- I ship them.
The grim gets pissed and yanks Nora away from the building and smashes her hard into the ground twice. She doesn't move. Ren slices at the hand that holds him while Jaune slices the horse legs again. Ren finally gets free and falls to the ground. He gets up and rushes the grim. He slices a few times but gets hits the face. The attack sends him back but he rushes in again.
Jaune- Ren knock it off!
Ren doesn't listen. The grim grabs Ren by the legs, smashes him on the ground, then throws him away. He lands next to Nora. Nora begins to move and get up and so does Ren. The grim prepares to charge at them both but Nora tackles Ren underneath a building. Ruby and Jaune and Kaz are struggling to do some damage to the grim.
Cas- Shall we intervene?
Zack (telepathic talk) Yeah. Let's do this.
I fly down behind a building that's near to the battle. I change back to normal and active my voice changer on my mask.
Zack- Alright let's kick some ass.
I teleport onto a building that looks over the battle.
Ruby (POV)
I'm moving the grim keeping my distance while shooting at it with scarlet rose. The grim knocks both Jaune and I back.
Ruby *mind*- How much longer can we keep this up?
The grim prepares to charge at me but stops. The humanoid part as well as the horse head turns to look at something. I my head to see what it was looking at. I see a man on a rooftop with silver hair that covers up his right part of his face. He also has a red eye and he wears a cool looking mouth mask.
Zack (POV)
The grim screeches at me and sends one of its arms at me. I catch with my left hand.
Zack- Really? It that the best you can do?
I yank the arm towards me and the entire grim comes flying at me. I create hellfire around my right fist.
Zack- Hellfire Punch.
I punch the horse head in the face and the entire grim gets sent through multiple buildings. I hop down to the ground and walk to the main square. Nora and Ren just came from under the building and everyone is looking at me. We hear screech as the grim comes up from the rubble.
Zack- Hmph.
I change my eye and hellfire slowly surrounds me. I extend my left arm.
Zack- Hellfire cannon.
A blast of hellfire shoots from my left hand and hits the humanoid part of the grim in its sternum sending it back aways. It gets up and starts screeching again.
Zack- A resilient one aren't you.
I unsheathe Demon Dragon. The grim shoots it arm at me and I sidestep it with ease. I stab my sword into the arm pinning it to the ground.
Zack- Ruby go for the other arm. Jaune you help her. Nora take care of the horse. Ren, you got the rest buddy.
Ruby- How do you
Zack- Don't ask questions just do it!!
Nora jumps on top of a tower and Ruby begins to jump all over the place while shooting at it. The grim misses one of its attacks and Ruby stabs the other arm into the ground and pins it.
Zack- Nora now!
Nora jumps off the tower and smashes the horse head into the ground with her hammer. I walk over to the humanoid part along with Ren. The grim screams in our faces.
Zack- Does it look like I give a shit about what you think?
I summon the KOS Hellfire sword in my right hand.
Zack- Kill this thing for your family Ren.
He looks at me at me in shock and nods. He cuts off one of the arms.
Zack *mind*- For his mother.
I go and cut off the right arm.
Zack *mind*- For his father.
Ren slices the humanoid's stomach.
Zack *'mind*- For all of those this grim has slain.
I walk up and grab the grim by the horns.
Ren- For myself.
Ren slices the head off killing this grim for good. I morph my sword into just Hellfire and I incinerate the entire grim. Nora comes by and gives a massive hug.
Zack- You guys did well.
Nora and Ren get up and everyone comes up to me.
Ruby- Who and what are you. I teleport behind them and pick up Demon Dragon and sheathe it. They all turn around and look at me with shocked faces.
Zack- Just a nobody.
And with that I teleport away.
Author: Well that is that. Epilogue incoming and that will be the end of this volume.

Zack Fullbuster and the King Of Sin: A Ruby X Oc Story Volume 4Where stories live. Discover now