Chapter 8 Volume 4

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Ruby (POV)
It's been a couple days since we left the inn. I kinda miss the comfy bed. We were walking again.
Nora- Another day another adventure.
Ruby- What's on the agenda today?
Jaune- (looking at the map) Walking.
Nora- With a side of?
Ren- Walking.
I sigh in boredom and annoyance.
Ruby- Haven is a lot farther away than I thought.
Ren- Ruby, how long did you think this journey was going to take?
Ruby- I don't know! I grew up in a small area! I've never been this far away from home!
Jaune- But how long?
Ruby- Maybe like a two weeks..
Jaune- What?!
Ruby- Ok fine! Three or something! Look whatever.
I look ahead to see a village.
Ruby- Hey what's that?
Jaune- That's strange. I didn't think we'd be hitting another village for a few days.
Nora- Are those buildings...damaged?
Jaune- We should search for survivors.
We run into the village find nobody. I search under some wood and find nothing.
Ruby- Anything?!
Nora- Nothing over here!
Jaune- No one over here either!
Ren- It almost seems like the town was abandoned.
Nora- Hey I think I found something!
We rush to her position. She brushes away some vegetation to find a sign.
Nora- Oniyuri? Never heard of it.
Jaune- Me neither.
Ren- I have.
We all look at him.
Ren- You might think of it as Anima's Mountain Glenn had it never have been completed. Years ago the richest members of mistral were unhappy with how the kingdom was being run. Frustrated with the council, they pooled their resources together to make their own city with their own laws. They hoped that one day, they could even become their own kingdom. Many thought it would be the future. I know my parents did.
Ruby- What happened?
Ren- What always happens.
Jaune- The Grim.
Ren- Not just anyone.
Ruby- One?
Jaune- C'mon. Let's just get through here. This place gives me the creeps.
We leave the town behind and never look back.
Timeskip to nighttime
Weiss (POV)
I'm back with my family in Atlas and I currently just got done with my singing performance that my father made me do for his so called friends. I hate it here. I leave the the backstage area and go to the bathroom. I'm standing by father who is talking about the company when I spot a painting of beacon in the distance. I was about to walk off before my father grabbed my arm.
Father- Where are you going?
Weiss- I'm just a little thirsty.
Father- Sweetheart, we have people for that.
He was about to signal a servant but I stop him.
Weiss- What no. I can get it. I'll be right back. I promise.
I walk away from him and to the painting. I look at the painting and it just reminds me of that night.
Weiss *mind*- You dolt Zack. Why? Why did you have to sacrifice yourself like that. You could've evacuated with the rest of us to live to fight another day. But you're not like that. You'd do anything to protect your friends and in this case, you traded your life for ours. I miss you and I'm pretty sure everyone else feels the same.
A voice breaks my thoughts.
???- Hello snowflake.
I turn around to see a face I haven't seen in awhile.
Weiss- Dante! What're doing here.
Dante- I came to see your performance.
Weiss- Why didn't you text me that you were coming.
Dante- I wanted it to be a surprise. So surprise! Did you like it.
Weiss- I enjoyed it very much.
Author: The new Dante. For the record this is his normal gear. Due to the current situation, he's in a standard tuxedo.

 Due to the current situation, he's in a standard tuxedo

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Dante- So are you gonna give me a hug or what.
Weiss- I can't. My father doesn't know that we're dating. And he's not the easiest to deal with.
Dante- So he's a stuck up like the rest of these people except you.
Weiss- Unfortunately.
A snob appears comes in between me and Dante.
Snob- Beautiful painting isn't it. You two match.
Weiss- Yes it's a lovely painting.
Snob- So that was my attempt at breaking the ice. How am I doing so far
Weiss- (Sigh) You are leaving a lot to be desired.
Snob- Well I appreciate honesty. (Extends hand) Henry. Marigold.
Weiss- (looks at him with annoyance and extends hand) Weiss Schnee.
Henry- I know. I saw your performance obviously. You were wonderful and I promise I'm not just saying that because you're pretty.
I see Dante get annoyed and mouth the words "suck up" behind Henry.
Henry- Honesty remember. So you thinking about buying the painting?
Weiss- No. I don't think so.
Henry- Yeah. Kinda pricey for a painting.
Weiss- It's to raise money.
Henry- Oh really? For what?
Dante spits out the drink he was drinking.
Weiss- For what?!
Henry- (chuckles) I'll admit. I do only come to these things for the food and drinks. And the extraordinary company of course. So what? Is another mantle fundraiser or something?
That ticks me off.
Weiss- Get out.
Henry- What?
Weiss- Get out or I will have security escort you out.
Henry- But I haven't done
Weiss- Leave!
Dante- She said leave dipshit.
Henry- Whatever.
He leaves and Dante secretly holds my hand in comfort. I smile at him and we continue to look at the painting. That's when I here half of the snobs talking shit about that night.Specifically some woman behind us. Dante hears it too and he's getting visibly angry. We both turn around.
WD- Shut up!
Everyone stared at us.
Father- Weiss.
Weiss- You don't have a clue! No one of you do!
Woman- Excuse me.
Weiss- You're all just standing around talking about nothing! Worrying about your hair, your money, your stupid problems that don't mean anything!
Father comes up to me and grabs my arm.
Father- Weiss that's enough.
Weiss- Let go of me!
Father- You're embarrassing the family.
Dante sets his left hand on father's shoulder and ignites his hand in fire.
Dante- My woman said let go you prick.
The fire burns father's shoulder and he let's go of me and I fall to the ground. A glyph appears under my hand as I fall and a ice boarbatusk comes out of it. It roses and charges the woman. The woman pleads for her life as the ice grim leaps at her. It's shot out of the air by none other than general ironwood. The woman says that both Dante and I need to be arrested.
Ironwood- They are the only ones making sense around here. Ironwood leaves and father looks at Dante and I.
Father- Security Have this monster escorted of the premises at once.
Dante- It's fine I was just leaving!
Dante leaves and father looks at me in disgust.
Author: Well Dante is back in the picture. Good for him. Hope y'all enjoyed it.

Zack Fullbuster and the King Of Sin: A Ruby X Oc Story Volume 4Where stories live. Discover now