Chapter 8

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Around 8 AM, you heard the doorbell and got up and walked over to the door. You opened it and saw a woman standing there. "Hi! Can I help you?" "Oh, umm... Hello.. My name is Holly. I'm Colby's mother. Is he home?". Your smile faded into a blank stare as you realized you just met Colby's mom. In a pair of athletic shorts and an oversized T-Shirt with no makeup on and your hair up in a messy bun. "Excuse me? Dear?". You shook yourself out of your trance and smiled at her politely. "Hi, I'm Jessica. He's still asleep, but come in". You moved out of the way and she walked through the door and made her way inside.

You quickly grabbed the pillow and blanket you had been using and threw them in the laundry room and sat down beside his mom. "So, you're THE Jessica?" "Excuse me?" "Colby tells me a lot about you. A majority of our Sunday phone call involves talking about you. He really likes you". You smiled and the two of you spent the morning talking. Around 10 AM, you heard Colby making his way down the hallway. He was wearing basketball shorts and no shirt and his hair was up in a messy bun. "Hey, Jess, I really want some - Mom!?". Colby smiled awkwardly and made his way over to the couch and sat down between the two of you and hugged his mom. You scooted back to where he could sit comfortably. He put his right hand on your left knee.

"So, mom, what are you doing here?" "You said you were getting into town last night and I wanted to come by and see if you needed anything, but I can see that you're in perfectly good hands. I'll get going". She got up and grabbed her purse and you followed her to the door. "It was really nice meeting you, Mrs.Franklin". She gave you a hug and said "It was nice meeting you too. I wish it were under different circumstances. I'll see you both soon". She walked out the door and you closed it and walked over to Colby and buried your head in his chest. He wrapped his left arm around you and kissed the top of your head. "I cannot believe I just met your mom looking like THIS. I don't even have a bra on!". He chuckled and grabbed your chin and pulled your face up to kiss him. "From what I can tell, she really likes you. Which is AMAZING. You look like yourself right now and that's the way she wants to meet the women I date. I told her you were staying with me. She wanted to catch you off guard and that's exactly what she did. She doesn't care what you wear or if you have makeup on or if your hair's a mess. She wants to see you for you". You smiled and kissed him. "So, what were you going to say when you came down the hall?" "I really want pancakes". You laughed and kissed him and got up and went into the kitchen and made breakfast for the two of you.

The following Monday morning, you got up and showered and threw on a pair of white skinny jeans and a sky blue off the shoulder sweater and your black combat boots. You dried your hair with the diffuser and put on simple winged eyeliner and nude lipstain and walked into the living room. Colby had already showered and had on a pair of basketball shorts and a Black & Brave T-Shirt and had his hair tied back in a low messy bun and had his glasses on. He hated wearing his glasses, but he was out of contacts until the following week. 

You grabbed your purse and threw your phone in it and the two of you made your way to the doctor's appointment. You made your way inside the doctor's office and signed in and waited for his name to be called. Once he was called back, the two of you went into the exam room and Colby sat on the exam bed with his right leg stretched out. The doctor came in and explained that he would need surgery and soon. 

After setting his surgery for the following Monday, you and Colby went back to his car (a brand new jet black Charger) and headed back for the house. Colby looked out the window and didn't say much. You grabbed his left hand and pulled it into your lap and held his hand. He gave your hand a gentle squeeze. "Colby... It'll be okay. He said you could be back in that ring in at least 6-9 months. You'll be back -" "He said 6-9 months at LEAST. I could be out up to a year" "I know, but I also know how determined you are. I know you. You'll be back quicker than you think". He pulled your hand up to his lips and kissed the back of your hand. Once you were back, you fixed a quick lunch and the two of you sat down and started watching The Ranch.

"I'll call and tell them what's going on. I won't go back until after you start physical therapy" "Babe, it's okay. Go. I'll be fine". You turned and looked at him. "Colby, I am not going back to work and not being here when you have surgery. I'll do nothing but worry" "Then go back until Saturday and come back on Sunday morning. I'll call my mom or brother if I need anything. I'll be fine, I promise". You looked up at him with a worried expression and he just grabbed the back of your neck and pulled you over to him and kissed you. 

Later that night, you had your bags packed and waiting on your cab to go to the airport. You looked outside and saw the cab pull up and grabbed your bags and headed for the door. Colby opened the door and followed you down the driveway and the cab driver put your things in the trunk. "I'm gonna miss you, Colby". He wrapped you in a hug and you pulled back enough to kiss him. "I'll miss you too. Let me know when you land, okay?". You nodded and kissed him again and got in the cab and headed for the airport.

Once you landed in Houston, you texted Colby and told him you were there. You slid your phone in the back pocket of your jeans and walked into the hotel and checked in. You quickly changed into your dark denim skinny jeans and a black off the shoulder T-Shirt and slid on your black sandals and left your hair down in it's natural curls and no makeup and headed for the arena. 

Once you were there, you went to hair and makeup and set up your things and Renee came over and sat down in your chair. You did her makeup and was working on her hair when she asked how Colby was doing. "He's doing good.. Well, good as expected. He's having surgery on Monday morning.. I'm leaving Sunday afternoon" "I can't believe you're here.. Hunter said you would probably be out until after Colby's surgery" "That was the plan, but he's having his mom stay with him until I get back. I'm really worried about him" "You're his girlfriend and you love him. Of course you're worried. I would be if it were Jon" "Renee, we've only been together for a month, I -" "You love him. I can see it and so can everyone else. It doesn't matter how long you've been with him... You've loved each other for a long time". You smiled and sprayed her hair and she walked off. 

As the night went on, you filled anyone in on what was going on that asked about Colby. You couldn't wait to get back home to see him.

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