Chapter 11

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It's now April 2016 and you and Colby were getting fitted for your WWE Hall of Fame outfits. Colby was almost finished with physical therapy and you were beyond happy about that. He was getting closer and closer to making his comeback and you were both ready for him to be out on the road. 

Colby had just finished and was waiting on you. You were getting a floor length backless dress and you were excited to get to wear it. You were doing makeup and hair early so you would be able to walk the red carpet with Colby.

You finished soon after and the two of you went out to lunch before you had to be at the arena. Colby flew down to Oklahoma City to see you.

You were sitting at lunch and a fan walked over and started talking to Colby. "Seth Rollins!? Hey, man! Can I get a quick photo?". The guy handed you his phone and you snapped a picture of them together. "Is there a chance you'll be making a return at WrestleMania?" "You never know". Colby smiled and shook the guys hand and left. "You okay?" "Yeah, I'm good. Someone was bound to ask me that at some point in time. I was just expecting it at Axxess". You sat there for a little while longer talking and headed to the arena. He was still wearing his brace, but only when he went out. He had wanted to be back at WrestleMania, but there wasn't any way that would've been possible. His knee just wasn't strong enough.

A week later and it was time for WrestleMania week and Colby had Axxess stuff to do and you had A LOT of hair and makeup to do. You were sitting behind the curtained area behind Colby's table doing makeup and waiting on him to finish. A couple of people asked him about his return and you could tell it hurt him. Once he was done, you walked over and met him at the bottom of the steps to the stage he was on and wrapped your arms around his neck and he rested his hands on your hips. It was fairly private behind the stage, but there were a few people walking around. "You okay?" "Yeah, I'm okay. I'm gonna go find Joe and Jon and have lunch, okay? I love you" "I love you too". You kissed him and he walked off and you finished the girls' hair and makeup.

Over the next couple of days, you had done so much hair and makeup, you were dreaming about different makeup looks to do. You loved your job, but sometimes, you wanted to take a break. Colby was busy with Axxess stuff until Friday night and the two of you had a date night. Colby took you to Abuelo's (A Mexican restaurant in OKC) and Jon and Renee and Joe and his wife met you there. You enjoyed the night and went back to the hotel and showered and went to bed. 

The next morning, you got up around 6 and threw on a pair of leggings and a flowy white off the shoulder T-Shirt and a pair of sneakers and made your way to the arena. You did everyone's hair and makeup until about 3 and then headed off to get your own hair and makeup done. A lot of people loved the necklace Colby gave you. You wore it everywhere you went.

Colby texted you telling you he was getting ready (He wore a nice tux and had his hair pulled back in a low bun) and was gonna meet you backstage at the HOF Ceremony.

(Sorry this is so short! The next one will be WAY longer!)

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