Chapter 36 - Final Chapter!

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Later on down the line (Year 2035), you and Colby were getting ready for the WWE Hall of Fame. You were taking the kids and you were beyond excited. Elijah had just turned 16 and Kyah was almost 14. You are 43 (turning 44 in December) and Colby is 48 (turning 49 in May).

You had on a long black long sleeve dress with your hair flat ironed and simple makeup and Colby had on a suit and his hair tied back in a bun. Eljah had on a suit and his hair done like Zack Ryder's always is. Kyah had on a knee length spaghetti strapped red dress with her down down in it's natural kinky curls and had on a little bit of mascara and a pair of black flats. 

You stood on Colby's right side with his hand in yours and the kids walked behind you. Once you got to the newest interviewer (her name's Madi), you stopped and Elijah stood on Colby's left side and Kyah was on your right.

Madi: And now joining us is Former WWE Superstar and WWE Hall of Fame Inductee, Seth Rollins! Good evening, Seth! How are you?
Colby: I'm great, thanks for asking
Madi: I see you have your beautiful family with you.. How does it feel having them with you here tonight?
Colby: It's amazing. I love being able to be back here where it all began for me
Madi: You met your wife through WWE, right? *You smile and nod*
Colby: I did. 
Madi: How old are your kids now? I remember being a 12 year old kid and finding out you were gonna be a dad
Colby: This is my son Elijah, he just turned 16 *Elijah shakes her hand* and this is my daughter Kyah, she's gonna be 14 next month
Madi: Kyah, you were born on your dad's birthday, right?
Kyah: Yeah
Madi: What's it like sharing a birthday with your dad?
Kyah: It's kinda cool *laughs* 
Colby: I think she's just saying that because she wants an iPhone for her birthday like her brother
Kyah: Not true! *everyone laughs*
Madi: So, Jessica.. How do you feel about Seth being inducted into the Hall of Fame tonight?
You: Honestly, I couldn't be any more proud of him than I already am. We were really close friends when he got called up to the main roster and we lost touch for about a year or two and I started working in the WWE and we got close again.. I didn't ever think we'd end up together, in all honesty. Everyone who knows his career knows what he's been through, especially in 2015... I've been there for him throughout his entire WWE career, even when we lost touch, I still rooted for him.. And I'm just really proud of him. I'm so happy for him. He deserves this.

The interview went on with questions about a possible one night return at Mania and he kissed you and hugged the kids and went backstage and you and the kids took your seats on the front row in front of the stage. Kyah sat on the aisle and Elijah sat next to her and you were on Elijah's right side. Roman Reigns came out to induct him.

"This next inductee has always been a really close friend of mine and always will be. He was a big part of my career and I don't think I could be any happier for him than I am right now. He kicked ass in that ring and I am honored to call him friend. Through all these years, we've been a constant in each other's lives. People say all the time that the WWE is just a temporary thing and that's only partly true. Your career may be temporary, but the fans and friends you make along the way are forever. I remember when he got engaged. He was so damn nervous when he told me he had the ring. 18 years later and they're still going strong and have 2 beautiful kids. This man is hard working, dedicated, and was a kick ass wrestler. I don't know about you guys, but I think he's still got it *crowd chants 'burn it down'*. With all that being said, please welcome, Seth Rollins!". His music hit and Colby walked out onto the stage and hugged Joe and walked up to the microphone.

"It's been a while, guys *crowd chants burn it down*. When I first started in WWE, wrestling was my number one. I showed up hours earlier than I needed to and I did everything I could to better myself and my career. After I got the call that I was going to be joining NXT, I didn't know what to expect. I didn't expect to have as many fans as I did. I damn sure didn't expect to meet my best friend, who is now my wife.. I didn't expect any of that. I had a girlfriend and eventually asked her to marry me and I thought my life was set. Then I was called up to the main roster. That fiancé did something I think you all already know... And left me. I was in a funk. I was depressed. But I had 4 friends who stuck by me through it. One of them, I ended up marrying and having 2 amazing kids with, and no, I'm not talking about Roman Reigns or Dean Ambrose *crowd laughs*. In all seriousness, I am truly grateful for the time I got to spend in that ring. You, the WWE Universe, kept me going week in and week out. When I was injured in November of 2015, I didn't know if I would be able to return to in ring action. I didn't know how long my recovery would take... But YOU believed in me and YOU never forgot about me; even when I felt like you were going to. Because of you guys, I got to travel the world and do what I loved. To my fans, I will always treasure the time and energy you all put into this and I couldn't be happier with how my career went. I never thought I'd be a WWE Superstar, let alone being inducted into the Hall of Fame *crowd cheers*. To my wife... Without your love and support, I couldn't have done this either. You were always the one to push me to better myself and fight for what I want and I appreciate everything you've done and continue to do for me. I love you. To my kids, I want to say Thank You. When I found out your mom was pregnant with Elijah, I knew it wasn't just about me and Jess and my career anymore. I was working to put food on the table, clothes on your back, and make sure you had anything else you needed or wanted. I love you both. To all of the kids, and even adults, watching and listening right now.. Know that no matter where you come from or where you start out, something is better than nothing. I came from a small town in Iowa and dreamed of doing what seemed impossible and got laughed at, but I overcame all of that. Know that as long as you bust your ass and fight for what you want, you too can be standing up here someday or in that big fancy office or whatever your dream is, know that you CAN achieve it. As long as you work hard, you can do anything. Again, Thank You to the WWE Universe.. You made my dream a reality. You gave me a wife and kids. You gave me lifelong friendships that I'll cherish forever. Thank You so so much to the WWE for even giving me a chance all those years ago. I was just a punk kid looking to live out his dream and made it reality. I hope each and every one of you out there listening look at my career and see that even if you come from nothing, you can become something amazing. Always remember to show up and burn. it. down. *The crowd said 'burn it down' along with him and it gave you goosebumps* Thank You again, this means a lot". 

The crowd chanted burn it down and gave him a standing ovation. You smiled widely and wiped tears from your eyes as Colby made his way backstage and you and the kids got up and followed security back to where he was.

The 3 of you walked down the hallway and Colby wrapped you in a hug and kissed you and hugged both of the kids and the 4 of you headed back to the hotel to change and go to your annual post Hall of Fame ice cream family date.

The End.

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